Joke thread


Fucking Combustion (mostly) Since February 2017


Well-Known Member
@Ramahs lol, like it bro, right up my street! Is that your OWN scale there or from around? Of course you don't have to answer that just curious and interested that's all.

Plus that's a point actually I wonder how many kids will be slipped a Psilocybin chocolate bar this year?

Because you gave me an idea. I don't do Halloween but I have been brought up in a culture where Santa Claus was always left two mince pies and a glass of milk.

And present lists!

So I've written out my present list to Santa this year. I did it early.


Fucking Combustion (mostly) Since February 2017
@Ramahs lol, like it bro, right up my street! Is that your OWN scale there or from around? Of course you don't have to answer that just curious and interested that's all.

Not my picture. I just found it funny. But I did need to do some introspection as of late, with shit going on in my life. So I made myself a 3g mug of tea with some PC gold caps on Saturday. Though I did have a good time, I didn't get to the level I wanted. So I plan to try again next Saturday with at least 5g.

My friend, you had my curiosity. Now you have my attention! 😍


In other news, so I don't post without contributing to the thread...



In the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is king
A bull was deployed for servicing the cows on a farm.
Lady asks the farm manager: "How many times can this bull perform?"
Manager replies: "5 to 6 times in a day".
Lady looks at her husband: "You see?"
Husband asks the manager: "Is it the same cow every time?"
Manager: "No sir it’s a different cow every time."
Man looks back to wife: "You see!"

A woman walks in to a tattoo parlor and tells the artist she would like two tatoos, one of Robert Redford on her left upper thigh, and one of Paul Newman on her right thigh. After hours of work the tatoo artist is finished and holds a mirror in between the womans legs for her to view.
The woman says,'' I dont know if these really look like Paul & Robert, and I ain't payin for this if it isn't right!'' She tells the artist she will go just outside the buisness and ask someone walking down the street if they know who the two men are on her thighs, if they answer correctly she would pay the artist.
She soon sees a man walking down the street, so she pulls up her skirt and asks him, '' Can you tell me who the man on my right thigh and the man on my left thigh are?''
The man replies, '' I dunno, but the one in the middle looks like Willie Nelson.''

After a talking sheepdog gets all the sheep in the pen, he reports back to the farmer: “All 40 accounted for.”
“But I only have 36 sheep,” says the farmer.
“I know,” says the sheepdog. “But I rounded them up.”
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