

Well-Known Member
It's pretty tough to watch. I hope a lot of people got to higher ground after the main quake. Some of those areas around Sendai got ground up pretty bad by the wave. Many years ago I visited the great bronze Buddha statue at Kamakura. I learned that it used to have a great building housing it but the building was washed away in a tsunami. I remember at the time marveling that a building that size could be swept away. It's a huge statue.


Well-Known Member
OhTheAgony said:
It says 'Australian Radiation Services', but I have no idea if it's legit or not.
Found it on another board.

From Australian Radiation Services:
Australian Radiation Services is aware of information about radioactive contamination being spread from the Japanese nuclear reactor incident released under the ARS logo and name. We wish to be clear that this information has not originated from ARS and as such distance ourselves from any such misinformation.


Well-Known Member
there is talk buzzing around that it's a good idea to take potassium iodine for protection. There were a number of sites, some "traditional" sites that had similar maps to the the Australian one. It goes into the jet stream, after passing through hawaii will make it way north into southern cananda and then down. That was one report. I figure there is enough radiation out there already for so long , including even past tests , experiments and the day to day radiation from all over the place. I've had a decent amount of radiation for cancer treatment including pre and post followup tests with nuclear machines. Here in Colorado, there is a location not far , that in the past was a radioactive material dumping site. It has gone through cleanup but was around for quite some time.


Well-Known Member
Well less exposure is better. Inhaling a single small particle can result in cancer. There is no indication at present that significant releases of radioactive particles are underway. The small releases thus far documented would be sufficiently diluted to be insignificant against normal background radiation by the time they reached the U.S. However it should be noted that Japanese power companies and indeed the Japanese government are not above cover-ups and have a history of not telling the whole story on nuclear mishaps. I think it is prudent for us here across the pacific to monitor the situation closely and prepare for significant releases, should they occur.


Well-Known Member
Crap now we're in trouble! Looks like melt-down ahead in the 1st reactor complex. Everyone evacuated and no way to continue cooling the rods. Oh. dear.


Well-Known Member
Gunky said:
Crap now we're in trouble! Looks like melt-down ahead in the 1st reactor complex. Everyone evacuated and no way to continue cooling the rods. Oh. dear.

Another blast an hour ago in the second reactor. Containment field may have been breached. Radiation levels increasing. All 3 reactors in this plant are now compromised. Fuck. This really seems to be spiraling out of control and if that happens, it won't be just Japan that's going to be affected.

Fucking around with with the atomic energy is fucking around with mother nature and I seriously doubt that she likes being fucked with or at least it sure as hell seems that way.


Well-Known Member
The amazing thing is that most reactors, even in California, are not prepared to withstand an 8 or 9 on the Richter scale. And yet there have been comparable quakes and tsunamis on the west coast of North America in fairly recent geologic times. What the heck? They were willing to take the risk?


Gunky said:
What the heck? They were willing to take the risk?

sure are...greed. so are oil rig companies such as the one in the gulf that spewed crude oil for SO LONG, botched containment plans failed, etc. certainly are seeing the effects recently of how careless we are being with the planet, the amount of natural resources available is limited.

but back to topic, i will admit to not watching much news about this at all...its not that i dont care, i do...i hate to see so many people hurt and its not like i can do much but hope for the best. the jokes being played out infuriate me, seems some people will make a joke about anything...not here that i noticed, just saying.



here for the chicks
I don't think it's that bad to diffuse a tens situation with humor. Personally it has somewhat helped me getting through a few rough times in my own live. But there should be limits I guess, not sure if those can be the same for everyone though.

Germany seems quick to respond to all this, taking 7 of their reactors that were build before 1980 out of commission for months to make sure they are still safe.


Well-Known Member
OhTheAgony said:
Germany seems quick to respond to all this, taking 7 of their reactors that were build before 1980 out of commission for months to make sure they are still safe.

Which then allows me to reason that there there "might" be other elements at play, like extreme clampdown on power usage around the world, though the 3rd world knows about it already. At least that it's a crisis that will be used politically. I'm not doubting the chance though of a nuclear mishap of the most epic proportions either.


here for the chicks
I still remember this fraise from a Star Trek episode, where a visiting alien race concluded we obviously weren't the brightest breed out there: 'nuclear power plants, within your own atmosphere??'
It always stuck with me for some reason.

They're talking about a class 6 disaster now, with 7 being the highest thus far (Chernobyl). Not good at all.


Well-Known Member
crawdad said:
the jokes being played out infuriate me, seems some people will make a joke about anything...not here that i noticed, just saying.


Ya know, I think while some of this is propagated by hate, racisim, lack of empathy, and just plain idiocy, I also have to believe that some of this is just the way that some deal with something soooo incomprehensible.

I'll never forget when I was about 10 years old and my parents told me that one of my close friends had died. The shock of that did not cause me to break out into tears or start crying.......at least not right away. What did happen though is I broke out in a smile. I was like........WTF ?? :o I remember covering my mouth with my hand and running into the bathroom because I didn't want anyone to see me doing that. I was like, "What in the hell are you smiling for. What is WRONG with you?".

I then remember hearing years later that sometimes, people deal with extreme stress by laughing, or in my case, smiling. Fucking weird, I know. Later on, I did cry, but that smiling thing really had me worried.

But yeah, there are some real idiots out there.


Well-Known Member
here in the People's Republic (LOL) a reference to a town some might know , and a name that is appropriate, they are chemtrailing the mother out :ko: so i'm inclined to just throw it all into the mix. Meaning what may come out of the Japanese crisis.


Well-Known Member
Fukushima workers withdraw after radiation spikes .

Almost expected... :science:

Time and Mother Nature take over now. Play with fire ? ? ?
There was ample warning in the Prometheus Story...
This won't get that far, but we never learn our lessons. Do we?

Will this compel us into a 2020 challenge. NO FOSSIL FUEL REQUIRED !

I'm 55 and will likely never see that day. I think we could do it, we just won't !

You young folks won't (I don't think), we didn't, we saw it... I remember pushing a (turned off) car to the gas station while standing in line, on the 'every other day' I was allowed. Yes, you could buy gas on certain days only . . . and we did nothing about it. Your Jimmy Carter sucked ! You got a reactionary after, what do you expect. Same old cycle.

I was sick of it back then, older folks have a a bigger history tell. Listen to them.

When the hell are we ALL gonna wake up, we waste more energy than we can ever produce. Folks are fighting against compact floros. WTF? They need an SUV.... Hey, I'm no pie in the sky ENVIRO, but we can do so much better, we have know this for 50 years...

Why not wake up ??? Oh yeah it's Corporate America's fault...


point is we will have to learn to work together someday,... we have already changed the planet... :shrug:


here for the chicks
When I drive around here all I see are windmills, we must be on the right track at least, I hope...

Turns out the IAEA already warned the Japanese back in 2008 that some of their nuclear plants would only withstand earthquakes of 6.5 to 7 on the Richter scale, among which the one in Fukushima that's falling apart right now :o

They also just refused a team of Russian Nuclear experts that helped cleaning up the mess after the Chernobyl access to their country. I don't think they can afford to be in denial right now, serious wtf moment here.


Well-Known Member
It's not the earthquake that's doing in that plant. It was the tsunami.


Well-Known Member
they are still claiming attempts at cooling the rods are going on LOL. meanwhile they've already admitted that the spent fuel were in the top of the containment unit. typical cover up


here for the chicks
180 people are still working around the clock in shifts at Fukushima trying to stop what seems to be inevitable.

They are not allowed to speak to the press or any other outsiders.

Yet, one of them managed to call his daughter today, to say goodbye. "I've been sentenced to death" were some of his words.


Naruto Fan
Democracy Now coverage has been informative about the science and politics.

that the safety issues have been known for decades, and yet these plants continue to operate close to big cities, radioactive material stored close to drinking water supplies, is insane when you can point mirrors at a target and boil water that way.

And, we have 23 nuclear reactors with the same exact design in the USA.

pisses me off.

Karl Grossman, notes a 1985 report by the National Regulatory Commission acknowledged a 50 percent chance of a severe core accident among the more than 100 nuclear power plants in the United States over a 20-year period.

sorry, not a note about Japan, really


OhTheAgony said:
180 people are still working around the clock in shifts at Fukushima trying to stop what seems to be inevitable.

They are not allowed to speak to the press or any other outsiders.

Yet, one of them managed to call his daughter today, to say goodbye. "I've been sentenced to death" were some of his words.

wow, so sad.


Well-Known Member
VWFringe said:
Democracy Now coverage has been informative about the science and politics.

Rods are made out of zirconium, which explodes when it's heated to 2000 degrees, meaning the spent rods, if they continue to heat up, will explode tons of radioactive waste into the atmosphere, allegedly effecting Japan and the rest of the world.

What's with the "if they continue to heat up will explode. Did the videos not get shown of the fires and explosions.

I have to admit I was taken in by some of the talk by this leading scientist Christopher Busby, he has some serious credentials. He's not alone in his analysis though.

The thing I'm thinking (and it's all my opinion, gut feeling whatever) is how do you think the public might react if they were told about 2 out of 10 people there will get some form of serious cancer. The numbers are arbitrary it's just something they certainly are not going to say , even most of the workers who might be aware of it. Just my thought.
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