Any word on the difference in results between QWISO and EHO?
I have a good amount of trim coming my way soon so I will be making a bunch of ISO in the near future (unless someone can convince me otherwise). I have found these tips useful to decrease the time spent filtering.
- Put bud and ISO in the freezer for 30 minutes before extraction
- Less agitation is better when soaking (~30seconds max)
- Using a coffee press will help the overall straining process while ensuring ISO is properly squeezed out of the bud
- Filter through a reusable mesh coffee filter before using standard paper coffee filters
I did two strains with standard coffee filters on my last ABV run. This resulted in a nicely golden colored solution that was semi-translucent while sitting in a measuring cup. When the mixture is poured out onto a Pyrex you can easily see through the solution. After scraping however, the product still comes out to a black goop.
I guess I am hoping that someone can give me tips on how to get a clearer final product while using ISO. My next few runs will be using quality trim so I would like as clean a final product as possible.
Here are my ideas for improvement (let me know what you think):
- Only soak bud for ~20 seconds
- Purchase a very fine micron screen to strain solution through prior to standard coffee filter (to decrease overall contact time in solution)
- Allow ISO to evaporate on its own without assistance from a hairdryer
I believe I saw someone post a picture of a hard yellow shatter they produced with ISO, I would love to know how that is possible to achieve. My black goop works well, but I would like something of a bit more quality given that I have a Revolution on its way

Sorry for the life story. I really appreciate anyone taking the time to respond to my amateur questions. Any tips or suggestions will be graciously accepted.