Disagree 1000%

Cannabis is a true miracle medicine so please don't broadcast that it does more harm than good. Used properly (vaped) and in moderation, it assists the body's own endocannabinoid system to "heal itself".
After reviewing research from all over the world and anecdotal evidence (I've done hundreds of hours worth of review/studying), the only logical conclusion for me is that cannabis is the greatest medicine ever created and on a benefit to harm scale it would be 10,000 to 1.
The alterations to your body/mind/spirit from cannabis are GOOD alterations.
So we'll agree to disagree here
Where the hell is the "Love " button?
I'm living proof of this.
Unfortunately at one point (And ironically now as well) I have/
must take a short Break from Cannabinoid uptake.
I have A.S. (Auto Immune Deficiency)
And almost a decade ago, I had used cannabis to treat my pain..
Well, my hips got SOOO bad, I couldn't walk any longer, I was literally doubled over in pain all the time.
I was still working full time at that.. Had to buy a walker, just to continue working.
Finally could not bear the pain anymore, balling my eyes out every night at 3am.
So, I stopped my cannabis so I could seek out pain management.
Believe me, I never wanted to be on pain management .
Well, I got myself in... And noticed my weight dropping
rapidly.. I could not eat, I was nauseated all the time.
My pain doc noticed the huge change in vitals.. (I lost 50lbs in 6 months.... Looked and felt like shit.)... And asked me...
"Have you considered Cannabis?"
I almost jumped outta my chair in joy.
Well, now that SUPER
AMAZING Doctor is now retired.
I was transferred to a new Doctor, in which so far, She is not familiar with me, so her "Policy " is No Cannabis.
Well, I'm sure that my health will deteriorate again, it doesn't take long at all.
Tomorrow is the beginning of a 2 week T-Break in which I'll probably have my Rheumatologist take over my pain management.. Or find a new Doc.
I tried weaning off these fuckers, but the pain is overwhelming...
I dropped all the way from 480mg to 60mg in about 2 weeks...
I could barely move. More so... I could not get in the garden the way I need to, my garden is my sanctuary, not only my meds, but 3 others in real pain depend on me and my garden also.