Is the volcano really worth it? I'm leaning towards yes


New Member
I've been using a whip vape (Da Buddha) for several years, and I'm getting sick of the little annoyances like having to fiddle with the tiny wand bowl, stirring my weed around, cleaning it every so often (using an oil with my DBV makes it a nightmare to clean afterwards)...

I'm considering switching to a volcano vaporizer, mainly for the added convenience... has a bigger bowl/chamber that is easy to clean, bags that don't require cleaning at all, and I've heard it even has a liquid pad that is perfect for vaping oils... just sounds WAY more convenient. Also I find the air from a whip vape is still quite harsh and dry. Much better than smoking obviously, but still a pain on my throat sometimes. On the other hand, bag vape hits aren't as strong (the vapor is more diluted with air), so it'll take more hits to get the same effect, but should be easier on my lungs... Overall, it'll just make my vaping sessions so much easier and more enjoyable it's hard to see how it's not worth the $400 to upgrade.

Now I'm thinking about the efficiency. I've been reading around here and I'm kind of confused as to why most people think a direct draw vape is more efficient. With the volcano, the only time my weed will be heating up is when I am loading a bag, and it's just a matter of loading up bag after bag until the weed is fully used up. Although with my DBV, sometimes it feels like just putting it in when I take a hit isn't enough, and I need to let the bowl cook for a while between hits to get more of the THC out. I'd imagine I might have this same habit while using the volcano... All other things being equal, the volcano SHOULD be slightly more efficient simply because of the auto adjusting temp.

I've also considered going with Extreme Q, as it has the advantage of going with either whip or bag... but then I learned its loading chamber/bowl is even more annoying than my DBV, as it sits vertically overtop of the heating element. It's made of glass, so emptying it between bowls while it's still heated would be a huge pain, and oil can easily seep through it and damage the heating element if not covered enough... it wouldn't be enough of an upgrade over what I have now.

So yeah, I seem to be already decided on getting one... I just felt like making this thread to get some other opinions. I realize this topic has been asked many times before, but I've read through a lot of them already and wanted to add my take on it.


Vaporization Aficionado
Accessory Maker
I've been using a whip vape (Da Buddha) for several years, and I'm getting sick of the little annoyances like having to fiddle with the tiny wand bowl, stirring my weed around, cleaning it every so often (using an oil with my DBV makes it a nightmare to clean afterwards)...

I'm considering switching to a volcano vaporizer, mainly for the added convenience... has a bigger bowl/chamber that is easy to clean, bags that don't require cleaning at all, and I've heard it even has a liquid pad that is perfect for vaping oils... just sounds WAY more convenient. Also I find the air from a whip vape is still quite harsh and dry. Much better than smoking obviously, but still a pain on my throat sometimes. On the other hand, bag vape hits aren't as strong (the vapor is more diluted with air), so it'll take more hits to get the same effect, but should be easier on my lungs... Overall, it'll just make my vaping sessions so much easier and more enjoyable it's hard to see how it's not worth the $400 to upgrade.

Now I'm thinking about the efficiency. I've been reading around here and I'm kind of confused as to why most people think a direct draw vape is more efficient. With the volcano, the only time my weed will be heating up is when I am loading a bag, and it's just a matter of loading up bag after bag until the weed is fully used up. Although with my DBV, sometimes it feels like just putting it in when I take a hit isn't enough, and I need to let the bowl cook for a while between hits to get more of the THC out. I'd imagine I might have this same habit while using the volcano... All other things being equal, the volcano SHOULD be slightly more efficient simply because of the auto adjusting temp.

I've also considered going with Extreme Q, as it has the advantage of going with either whip or bag... but then I learned its loading chamber/bowl is even more annoying than my DBV, as it sits vertically overtop of the heating element. It's made of glass, so emptying it between bowls while it's still heated would be a huge pain, and oil can easily seep through it and damage the heating element if not covered enough... it wouldn't be enough of an upgrade over what I have now.

So yeah, I seem to be already decided on getting one... I just felt like making this thread to get some other opinions. I realize this topic has been asked many times before for, but I've read through a lot of them already and wanted to add my take on it.

A text color change so it's easier to read for our fellow FCers. :)
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Well-Known Member
You should change your font colour to grey. Hard to read in black. You will get MANY varying opinions on this one. And at the end of the day, value is a very personal judgement in most cases. I own a Volcano and after experience with a variety of different types of vapes...I would not purchase one brand new again. Is it well built? Yes. Does it get the job done? Yes. But it is behind the times IMO. You can get better bang for your buck elsewhere on so many levels.

If you decide on one, go used.

Edit: I also forgot to mention, that I find the vapor from the Volcano to be very drying and irritating. Even with water. Could be just me, but I just don't find it smooth or tasty at all.
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Well-Known Member
It does sound like you've already made up your mind. If ease of use and convenience are the two most important factors then the Volcano would definitely satisfy your needs.

Don't forget that 7th floor makes a nail kit for the DBV. Have you tried hooking your DBV up to a water pipe? It makes the hit so much smoother and less irritating on the mouth and throat.


Well-Known Member
Now I'm thinking about the efficiency. I've been reading around here and I'm kind of confused as to why most people think a direct draw vape is more efficient. With the volcano, the only time my weed will be heating up is when I am loading a bag, and it's just a matter of loading up bag after bag until the weed is fully used up. Although with my DBV, sometimes it feels like just putting it in when I take a hit isn't enough, and I need to let the bowl cook for a while between hits to get more of the THC out. I'd imagine I might have this same habit while using the volcano... All other things being equal, the volcano SHOULD be slightly more efficient simply because of the auto adjusting temp.

Regarding conserving bud, I'd say the efficiency between a 'Cano and a Buddha is about the same.


living in a van down by the river
the bag of the volcano has more surface area for vapor to condense over a direct draw


Downward spiral
Is it well built? Yes. Does it get the job done? Yes. But it is behind the times IMO. You can get better bang for your buck elsewhere on so many levels.

If you decide on one, go used.
Exactly what Tweek says.
It's worth it probably in the sense its very well built,quality materials,good reputation,durability,etc.
But your vaping dollars could be spent better on a 7th Floor LSV, VXH Cloud, Vriptech, imo. Even an Arizer Extreme would be cheaper, cover all your bases(if the "bag" thing is important) and have some extra Glass dollars to spend on a nice bubbler or such to pair with your Arizer. Lots of great advice round here, spend a few more days researching so you don't end up with the wrong vape for you.Good luck in your choosing and also Welcome to FC!!
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