Is marijuana smoking bad for you?


New Member
I think smoking Medical marijuana is a great experience. It opens my eyes to a whole new world and help me to fight my sickness. I would like to thank "God" for the marijuana plant. I love marijuana as it helps to cure incurable disease like chronic back pain and reduce depression. I personally think its not bad for you if u do it for curing your sickness/illness. What is your general opinion on this?


No doubt cannabis has medicinal effects but as an asthmatic who smoked a lot of joints for five years and now exclusively vapes I can tell you that I, personally, don't think its worth smoking it if you don't smoke cigarettes. If I couldn't vape I would stop getting high, that sounds quite snobbyish to the ex-toker in me but I wouldn't. I can't stand smoke any more, it heavily irritates my throat and seriously effects my ability to maintain my physical health. I have a better high off the improved level of fitness I have from quitting smoking then I ever got hitting bongs and smoking joints.

Obviously not every toker has even heard of vaping, or takes the risk of spending cash on a quality vape when they know a pipe is bound to work. I do know people who smoke a small amount for conditions such as MS, and I think its probably worth the negative for the positive but I still think they should vape. As someone who started smoking young (even though I didn't smoke for all that long) I still regret impairing myself so much physically at such a young age.
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Well-Known Member
Breaking it down:

Is marijuana bad for you? noope
Is smoking bad for you? yeeeup

Solution: Low temperature vapor, edibles, and tinctures :rockon:

[had asthma my whole life too]


Well-Known Member
Is smoking marijuana bad for you? Absolutely yes. Smoking ANYTHING is bad for you.
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Herbal Alchemist
Yes, smoking anything is bad for your lungs.

You don't need to smoke cannabis. Rather, you can vaporize, use edibles, tinctures, topical applications, etc. :)


It also says this:
"The study did find that marijuana users who smoke daily did experience reduced pulmonary functions, making methods like vaporizing or consuming edibles advisable for patients who require daily marijuana to mitigate such health issues as glaucoma, insomnia and multiple sclerosis to name a few."​
If you like to continue smoking, by all means do, just don't think it will be as inocuous as vaporizing or eating, especially if you do it dailly and often and even more if you mix tobacco.​


New Member
Yup!! Even i believe that vaporizing and eating are the best method to intake marijuana.
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