C No Ego
Well-Known Member
It looks quite similar to loose tobacco, but a bit darker.
This post about the avb was extremely confusing to me. I have never made edibles before, I have never used avb before, so I think I need to find an "explain it like I'm 5" kind of tutorial for itI think you might think I'm more knowledgable than I am! I wonder how to find out whether I can just put it onto peanut butter toast or not. I will keep googling.
I am also a little confused about how 0,5g should take 3 bowls, since the bowl is "supposed" to be filled to the brim each time. I'm very careful about exposing as much surface area as possible, I grind it well and spread it out and use the liquid pad. In fact I don't even tilt the machine in case the material could still slide about.
Unfortunately without a credit card I'm kind of stuck with whatever is sold in the store in the next city over. And definitely still very stuck with only dry materials. I really feel like I wasted my money trying to switch to vaping.
You know what's interesting? I've never felt a single thing from smoking pipes. I've never used a bong before, so can't comment on that. But outting just herb into a pipe which has the bowl at one end, the hole you put your finger onto, and the bit that goes in your mouth - I've literally never felt a single thing from that regardless of strain and anything else. And that even uses way more herb that what I would normally put into a spliff. I think of myself as a bit of a lightweight since pure joints with only herb in them have knocked me onto my ass in Amsterdam on a few occasions. But truly I hate when friends bring out pipes because it's totally wasted on me, I don't feel anything at all. I wonder if this is related.
I don't smoke cigarettes with any regularity - five a year, about - and they also give me zero feeling, no head rush, no couchlock, nothing but a bit of nausea. I don't feel anything in my lungs or head at all.
please look into this to increase your receptor capacity in your ECS ( endocannabinoid system)..
a few things- use whole black peppercorns along with your cannabis... this increase beta caryophyllene in your body and that in turn works directly with your ECS to boost cannabinoid signalling... just chew on one or two peppercorns before vaporizing...
also, omega 3 and 6 fatty acids.. these little buggers are of most importance to your high because you make endocannabinoids from omega fats! omega 6 and 3 fats are synthesized into endocannabinoids via the precursor PUFAs arachidonic acid... without the omega fats ingested from your diet your ECS lacks lipid fats to make the endocannabinoids!
hemp seed oil is great omega fats to consume daily... fish oils are questionable and I'd use Krill oil instead.. Black walnuts are some of the highest omega fats too... omega 9 like you find in prepared foods and such is a pro-inflammitory omega profile and creates pain, oxidation, and depression in our bodies...