Horatio_Alger said:
My 18 Hour Old Iolite is getting broken in while reading this forum

Mouthpiece feels like it is sticking to the bowl - like the threads are sticking....not sure this will replace my bong 100%.
I've tried looking but to no avail. Is there a discussion for the most durable, longest - lasting vaporizer? I don't want to keep throwing money down the drain or harsh my lungs . Thanks!
This question probably doesn't belong in this thread, but I'll chime in with my
I will concur: if you want durable, the wooden log-style vapes are pretty durable. Purple days has a video of him throwing it in a clothes dryer for a couple cycles, and driving over it with a truck. The MyrtleZap and AromaZap, Eterra Classic, and other identical designs will all serve you well. ALthough, the heat element used in these is a standard ceramic encased resistor, which will eventually deteriorate. It may stop working all together, or you may notice it slowly not getting as hot as it used to. Fixing it is easy enough, just buy a new resistor from mouser.com or digikey.com (if you are handy with a soldering iron) for a few $$.
I think it was Ohmite 25JR20 : $1.64
However, the problem with these units (like all fixed temp units - like the Iolite (bringing this post back on track)) is they are not as efficient as variable temp units like the SSV, Extreme, Volcano, Zephyr ION, etc...
The reason is, there are at least 66 cannabinoids in Marijuana; THC is just one type, CBN and CBD are another type. But these different cannabinoids have different vaporization temps. And these temps are slightly subjective, even if the Merck manual has a vaporization temp listed for THC, it really isn't exactly known where the ideal temperature to vaporize is at. That's because the different effects you can get from being able to adjust your temperature, and vaporize different amounts of CBD and CBN and CBG in proportion to THC, is somewhat subjective. The take home message here is that
1) as you change the temperature you vape at, you get different mental effects, based on the differing vaporization temperatures of the psychoactive ingredients and their agonists and antagonists.
2) fixed temperature vaporizers are usually on the lower temperature side of where you want them to be, regardless of what it works at... you always wish you could squeeze a little more out of your herb. Sometimes changing the 12V converter these things are plugged into in the wall will do that for you, but then you're stuck at the wall. With the Iolite, nothing short of a re-design to use a different bi-metal thermostat would solve it.
But, usually no matter what you vape with, you should save your used stuff, and make an alcohol extraction or some butter with it or flour and bake with it. And then you'll get pretty much 100% out of your stuff. So I guess it doesn't really matter what you use.
However, if you were to trade this in or get another, I would suggest you look at something with variable temp control, and let your wallet do the rest of the thinking.