
Well-Known Member
Vapist said:
derk said:
Im wondering if anyone has received any notification of the new SS stems, have they started sending them out?
Derk, YES--I phoned the factory yesterday and they are now ONLY sending out the new SS stems according to Kathleen (customer Service Rep) and Dominic Oglesby (Principal).
Thanks Vapist, I just received an email from Dominic this morning saying that they are currently waiting on stock and they will probably start shipping replacements starting on monday. Ill have to live with my vaporbrothers hose shoved in the mouthpiece with a rubber grommet... can't wait for those SS stems, those pictures earlier made me antsy, thanks for the preview Frogbmth.
Hey guys, so I am using the Ronson butane still because my other shipment hasn't arrived yet, but I am at a critical point with this Iolite.

Problem: I refill the unit with Ronson butane (all I have at the moment), wait like 10 minutes, and then flip the switch to "on" or for mines its actually a number "1," then as soon as I hear it going on push in the igniter... only nothing happens... I look at where the orange light is supposed to come on and it just sparks blue when i push in the igniter, but the color does not change.

Attempted solutions: I have refilled it and waited 10 minutes before each of the following attempts.
1) Switch "on," and I hear light/loud hissing, wait a varied amount of seconds (as I've tried each step about three times now)... then push in the igniter switch, nothing happens most of the time, and sometimes, if the hissing is loud, it will get more quiet.

2) Switch "on," hear the hissing, wait for a good 1 - 3 minutes until the hissing gets louder, then push in the igniter switch, same result as above in number 1.

3) Switch "on," and hit the igniter button immediately.

4) Switch "on," and hit the igniter button repeatedly with about 3 to 4 second intervals, same result as #1 above.

The strange part about it is that lets say after any of the above mentioned steps, if I leave the switch to "on" after giving up on it... it might pick up and actually turn on after anywhere from 2 to 5 minutes.... OR... the light might turn orange right after I hit the igniter switch, the hissing will get louder (I usually think its working) then the orange light goes off, the hissing goes back to a calm low level...

My questions to you guys is, could these problems be a result of the Ronson butane, or do I have a defective unit, meaning I should ship it right now over to Iolite for a good ole fashion 6 to 10 week turn around time on the repair???

Another thing to note: if I actually get it working and finish a bowl, I turn it off and pack another bowl immediately, then turn it back on, hit the switch, and it will keep working like when I first bought it... I have only had the iolite for about a month or two and it has been giving me problems ever since...

!!!OH... and by the way, has anyone gotten their replacement nozzles with the new design from Iolite, I haven't gotten mine yet!!!



Oh No! Mr macbill!!
Staff member
ModernMogul said:
if I actually get it working and finish a bowl, I turn it off and pack another bowl immediately, then turn it back on, hit the switch, and it will keep working like when I first bought it... I have only had the iolite for about a month or two and it has been giving me problems ever since...
Personally, I don't turn it off if I'm doing multiple bowls. For me what generally happens is I don't finish a bowl: then when I get back to it (whenever), it may not deliver me exactly where I want to be. Hence, changing bowls in a middle of a "cream".

Modern Mogul - if it is a warranty issue, many folks here have had reasonable success as I recall, dealing with the manufacturer. Shoot me if I'm wrong.

But just to recap:

You have emptied the I-olite of butane by depressing the fill-nozzle with a paper clip, etc. Shake it vigously. Push it a few more time just for the heck of it. Completely empty?

You have shaken your can of butane (I think that is what folks are saying to do: again shoot me if I'm wrong)

Since you're using Ronson at the moment, you don't need any type of extra tip to use for filling. Sorry if I'm being too far explanitory.

Can of butane pointing down so that the fuel tip is pointing down toward the Iolite.

Let them mate. Make it bumpy. Depress--release. Depress--release. Depress--release.

For me, there is some butane spillage down the tank side of the Iolite. Iolites don't like the cold. Keep it in the palm of your hands to warm it up, or if your sitting, place it between your legs, or under your arm. A word to the Wise: Be careful where you stick the stem. No need to add flavors or aromas.

Just for fun, turn off the lights and let you eyes adjust to the darkness, or go into a dark whatever.

Now push the deally-bob. Should come on after a couple of clicks. If it doesn't, email the company for directions. It sounds like a deally-bob problem.

I apologize for the technical terms


Well-Known Member
Just bought one for a concert tonight. :-)

What exactly does the moisture condenser do? I don't quite get it. Also, are these things durable enough for me to take skiing with me?

EDIT: And what is the piece of metal wire that is a half circle for? The instruction manual didn't mention it.


Well-Known Member
Thank you Frogbmth for the link. I second your motion for an official "cooling stem." Has anyone tried mating a hand-blown glass "one-hitter" style bat pipe (found in many a smoke shop) to the end of the black stem tube? I would think that if you got one with a slightly wider bowl, you could use tubing or an epoxy to connect the two. Have you refrigerated the j-coverter, or do you think it wouldn't make much of a difference?
macbill said:
For me, there is some butane spillage down the tank side of the Iolite. Iolites don't like the cold. Keep it in the palm of your hands to warm it up, or if your sitting, place it between your legs, or under your arm. A word to the Wise: Be careful where you stick the stem. No need to add flavors or aromas.

Just for fun, turn off the lights and let you eyes adjust to the darkness, or go into a dark whatever.

Now push the deally-bob. Should come on after a couple of clicks. If it doesn't, email the company for directions. It sounds like a deally-bob problem.

I apologize for the technical terms
Thanks a ton bro... I am at work at the moment but have the iolite in the car, just in case I would have had to make a stop to the mailbox, or for a an extended lunch break:cool: but I will definitely go through these steps one more time tonight after work... Will report the results asap...

And if it is a faulty unit, i am sure Iolite will take care of me, from my experience and from what i've heard they have really good customer service... Just the wait time will be so long because of shipping...


Oh No! Mr macbill!!
Staff member
420_Skier said:
Just bought one for a concert tonight. :-)

What exactly does the moisture condenser do? I don't quite get it. Also, are these things durable enough for me to take skiing with me?

EDIT: And what is the piece of metal wire that is a half circle for? The instruction manual didn't mention it.
Personally, I wouldn't use it in a sit-down-everybody-be-quiet type of concert. Too much not happening in the crowd to be totally discrete. There is far too much visible vapor to make me comfortable, & while not stinky, is odoriferous to some extent.

We should develop rules like Zombieland. Rule 1): Know how your surroundings interact.

As to your questions, come on in, all questions have been answered numerous times. Its kinda like Easter Eggs, and sometimes, if you don't overly annoy folks, they will point you to various answers should your quest prove futile.

For folks that have been here awhile (me- not so long) they get testy when a newbie pipes in wanting all his questions answered, as if they were paying them for research.


Well-Known Member
Skier - The moisture condenser does just that, condenses the vapour maing it slightly less harsh. The wire you are talking about is probably the retaining clip for the top screen? Mine came with one installed and one spare.

Vapist no worries. I havent tried chillin the j-adapter, it seems to do a good job as it is. I guess the swirly channel inside provides a very large surface area to cool the vapour. If it was anodized black it would be perfect!


Well-Known Member
Thanks frogbmth. I'm pretty sure mine is a spare too.

@macbill: It's an outdoors concert where I'm sure people will be smoking blunts anyways. I'm ill (flu or something) and my throat is too itchy for me to smoke blunts, so I bought this. Plus it will be awesome to vape places privately.


Oh No! Mr macbill!!
Staff member
420_Skier said:
@macbill: It's an outdoors concert where I'm sure people will be smoking blunts anyways. I'm ill (flu or something) and my throat is too itchy for me to smoke blunts, so I bought this. Plus it will be awesome to vape places privately.
Then no probs. People won't even what you have, especially if you palm it. I took my condensers out: just more things to get gooey and plugged.


I'm El Diablo Baby!!!
You should get a launch box for skiing man, that's what I'm getting.

I think the butane stops working at a certain altitude.


Oh No! Mr macbill!!
Staff member
420_Skier said:
Within two hours of ownership I broke a mouth piece. Guess I'll have to email about the SS.
A fix is in the works; still, its bad you have to wait. May I suggest only using the plastic segment the actually screws into the unit and extend from there using flexable tubing? Actually anything really, a drinking straw that just fits over the stem stub would work (I think). That way, less leverage to break. May not work: from the way some folks have reported, just getting hot made them break.

There is a dynamite fix: can't be more than six or seven pages back, some metal fixture that you can modify to screw into the unit. Perhaps someone can point you there.
420_Skier said:
Within two hours of ownership I broke a mouth piece. Guess I'll have to email about the SS.
Check my post about two or three pages back I think... Take a look at your mouth pieces, the one that you skrew into the unit will have either a space for skrewing on the top part (meaning you skrew the next piece in), or not (in which case you just plug the next piece in)... I bought my unit and broke both of my mouthpieces on teh 2nd and third use... Luckily I ordered replacements at the same time I bought my unit, so a few days I got some replacements, and they ahve not gone wrong yet...

I asked you to look at the way your first piece (the one that skrews into the unit) to see if it has the skrew for the second peice because my first ones did not have the skrew for the second piece and they broke right away, but the replacements had the skrew for the second piece and these have not broken yet... I really just think it depends on where the units were manufactured or composition quality during manufacturing... Either way, hope this helps...

Also, you can check a few pages back, actually I think throughout this wholoe thread, your issue is farily common, common enough that Iolite has made a replacement mouthpiece with an aluminum thread on the inside of the plastic piece that skrews into the unit... LOL, i pretty much just filled u in on a bunch of pages... your welcome bro...


Well-Known Member
420 skier... sorry to hear about your stem... it was a common production flaw which they have since fixed... as far as using it at altitude, i believe they said under 6000 feet... because above that the butane doesnt purn well... if you need an immediate fix for your stem, i was able to temp glue with crazy glue the threads to the stem, then reinforced the outer shoulder of it with a miniture tootsie roll of high temp epoxy putty around the shoulders/top of stem....(they sell a tube at home depot) ... it held for weeks... as far as using them in a concert... i used it in dave matthews and it worked great... i took with no herb in it, just topped off with butane (was going to tell them it was a dehumidifier) and i rolled a joint with the fine ground herb and then twisted sections of it like sausage links, with each one being a bowl load... that way, in the dark, i could load the bowl by just tearing off the end piece of a sausage and emptying its contents into the bowl without having to worry about if there was enough or too much,... worked great....

for a cooling stem, i found that if you just add about an extra 3" piece of tubing on the end of the mouth piece it cools it nice... also good for throwing it in an empty cup for a stealth look... all you see is a clear straw... or it looks like there is a dark liquid half way up if the straw stick up at all...
its a no go macbill... it is doing exactly the same thing right now as I am typing... its hissing.... then it'll stutter like it's turning on, stay on for 3 to 5 seconds, then go back down to the normal hissing... This is super frustrating man... I don't know what else to do... Just gota send it back...

Then I turn it off and it continues to hiss for another minute before turning off... bs man... :mad: :mad: :mad:


Oh No! Mr macbill!!
Staff member
ModernMogul said:
its a no go macbill... it is doing exactly the same thing right now as I am typing... its hissing.... then it'll stutter like it's turning on, stay on for 3 to 5 seconds, then go back down to the normal hissing... This is super frustrating man... I don't know what else to do... Just gota send it back...

Then I turn it off and it continues to hiss for another minute before turning off... bs man... :mad: :mad: :mad:
They ALWAYS continue to hiss: it just takes a while (a few cycles) to shut down.

Did you go into a dark room and see no light (yeah? How do you see no light?)... I mean it not just you might be overlooking it actually being on? Send it back to the place of purchase for a brand new one, if that's their policy.

I'm not sure and may be speaking out of turn: don't sellers make replacements w/in a given time period? Sorry, I do not know: I only know that after what is surely to be a hassle, you will enjoy the benefits of the I-olite Good luck.
Yea I pretty much already got a bunch of free stuff out of the seller because of the original issue with the nozzles... I got a free lil iphone scale, some high quality papers (that I gave to my brother) and pretty cool grinder, probably combined worth about a $40 to $50 value...

But yea bro, I def tried all of your steps, which by the way I had previously tried because you were just restating what was arleady in the thread, lol... thanks alot tho...

I went into a dark room and everything bro... i realyl think its something wrong with the igniter... its just not catching... anyway, I just sent an email to my customer service rep over at Iolite, hopefully they get back to me in a reasonable amount of time and can help to resolve the problem, even if it means sending it to them for repair, or replacement...

By the way, it was working for me for a lil while, and i will admit that I really like the Iolite, definitely worth the money... I guess I just have to go through a lil suffering before I can completely enjoy the unit... :/


Well-Known Member
I've had my Iolite for just over a week now and thought I'd share my views on it with this thread as FC was so useful in helping me decide to buy.

First impressions of the device are very good - nicely packaged and it feels well built even though the outer casing is plastic. Easy to understand and it was set up and ready to go in a few minutes. I'm in the UK and use Swan gas - this seems pretty clean (no residue on mirror test) and it lights on one click every time.

This is the first time I've seen or used a vaporizer so I was a it worried about just how effective these things are. Needn't have given it a thought - three pulls/inhales/hits and it was crystal clear that my Iolite and I were going to be constant companions. The buzz is a little slower to come on but it is very clean and lasts well. I stopped smoking anything a few years back (medical reasons) and have only been preparing baked goods - unfortunately baked goods take from 45 minutes to 2 hours to take effect and the dose is very difficulkt to judge so I was hardly ever bothering. Now I can take a very controlled hit and know almost exactly the strength and length of the high - great for problem solving sessions when you just want a hint of head shine.

The most important thing to remember with this device is to grind the herb very well; the first few times I was using a texture suitable for rolling and was very surprised at the difference when I loaded the bowl with stuff that I'd ground to a fine powder.

Anyway, just wanted to thank previous posters for sharing so much information on the Iolite as it really helped me make a decision. Now I think we should lobby the manufacturer to create an Iolite with a built in phone/music player.


Well-Known Member
Hi guys. I just picked up an iolite from a local head shop and found out after the fact that it is missig the maintenance kit. How imperative would you all say this kit is for general use? I've still not given this baby a spin due to a distinct lack of reefer, but any advice would be cool.


Well-Known Member
I don't have an iolite because I want to wait and see if the new ones don't have problems that I'm reading on here but can someone who has one do something for me?

I want to know if it can vaporize joints good.

What I mean by this is if you roll a joint and put it into the space where the mouthpiece goes, is the heat good enough to release a good amount of vapors?.

Just roll a joint and put it into the mouthpiece. You can cut the joint in three pieces instead of one long joint if you want an even more concentrated flavor.

I ask this because to me a joint is the best way to get flavor from bud because it doesn't have a lot of air inside of it and that means more flavor with very little need to have a long puff but when you smoke because you are burning it it is diluted with other nonsense that takes away a good amount of the flavor. Using hot air from a vaporizer will keep the air warm enough to release the flavors while not being hot enough to burn them.

Anyway please someone do this for me so I can make my mind up if I should by the iolite.

Jonah Hex

Well-Known Member
I can guarantee that once you empty your Iolite of that crappy Ronson butane and use Colibri or Vector, your unit will function properly. I was about to send mine back with the same problem as you and many others here who use that shit Ronson butane, but decided to order some Vector first. Empty it completely and get the air out as well. Shake the can of Vector or Colibri for about a minute to warm it up and fill the Iolite - wait a minute, then hit the igniter and you 'will' be vaping. Always lights now on first click. When it was empty of Vector, I refilled again with Ronson and the same problem. Empied one more time and filled with Vector and first click and I was vaping. The US Ronson is DIRTY shit butane. Just get the Vector and save yourself the hassle of returning the Iolite and having the same problem with the new unit if you fill it again with Ronson. I realize now that it has also wrecked a few of my jet lighters. :peace:

ModernMogul said:
Hey guys, so I am using the Ronson butane still because my other shipment hasn't arrived yet, but I am at a critical point with this Iolite.

Problem: I refill the unit with Ronson butane (all I have at the moment), wait like 10 minutes, and then flip the switch to "on" or for mines its actually a number "1," then as soon as I hear it going on push in the igniter... only nothing happens... I look at where the orange light is supposed to come on and it just sparks blue when i push in the igniter, but the color does not change.

Jonah Hex,
Jonah Hex said:
I can guarantee that once you empty your Iolite of that crappy Ronson butane and use Colibri or Vector, your unit will function properly. I was about to send mine back with the same problem as you and many others here who use that shit Ronson butane, but decided to order some Vector first. Empty it completely and get the air out as well. Shake the can of Vector or Colibri for about a minute to warm it up and fill the Iolite - wait a minute, then hit the igniter and you 'will' be vaping. Always lights now on first click. When it was empty of Vector, I refilled again with Ronson and the same problem. Empied one more time and filled with Vector and first click and I was vaping. The US Ronson is DIRTY shit butane. Just get the Vector and save yourself the hassle of returning the Iolite and having the same problem with the new unit if you fill it again with Ronson. I realize now that it has also wrecked a few of my jet lighters. :peace:

ModernMogul said:
Hey guys, so I am using the Ronson butane still because my other shipment hasn't arrived yet, but I am at a critical point with this Iolite.

Problem: I refill the unit with Ronson butane (all I have at the moment), wait like 10 minutes, and then flip the switch to "on" or for mines its actually a number "1," then as soon as I hear it going on push in the igniter... only nothing happens... I look at where the orange light is supposed to come on and it just sparks blue when i push in the igniter, but the color does not change.

Sure Man, I'll give it one more try... Have to drive out to the other house to get the other butane, forgot what kind I ordered, but I'm sure its vector or calibri...
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