Nosmoke, i've been thinking about your mod, just taking a swag at it, im thinking by putting the xtra screen (7 hole thing) in, you re doing two things, one, dramatically increasing the "head space" (thats originally why i looked to mod mine) and two, by having more metal in the bowl area, maybe it is retaining more heat from the pin, (you said that the pin makes contact or close enough) thus increasing the bowl temp, perhaps bringing it up closer to the magic 200 C where they found the highest thc vaporization... just a wild ass guess, but it sounded good

, (at least in theory...) im going to try your mod later today... sorry kalinga, i cant bring myself to cut the pin...

but thumbs up on the pics, i ve finally was able to visualize what nosmoke was talking about.... oh, DB, about resmoking the used herb... i tried it once and only once, when i very first vaped, (not wanting to waste any herb,) and it was equivalent to smoking ass hair and grass clippings (not the good kind), it tasted like a very bad cigar.... absolutely terrible... save yourself the disgust, its not worth trying... ive been saving mine up to use in the garden, maybe itll give a micro boost of thc to my tomatoes...