Hi Stickstones,
Thanks !
1/ Have tested the temperature with a `K` type termocouple , which is a thin wire that can be inserted inside of the Chamber and thin enough to allow to close the chamber normally. the K type of thermocouple can also be inserted by the inhaling tube. (just need to remove the upper screen and you can put it in).
I did the same experience with my volcano and the temperature measured with my thermometer is exactly what I read on my volcano, so this is why I belive my test is quite accurate As I said,it s maybe an isolated problem with my unit only.
2/ the hiss is normal, I agree with you and the reply you got from the manufacturer about that.
What I m talking about is that in my unit, when I inhale and place the finger on the glowing chamber (just below the herb chamber) I do feel a difference in the flow of the air/vapor I m inhaling. That shouldn t happen at all if there is no connection between the two chamber. Also it is easier to draw when it starts glowing again, feels like a turbo when it glows. Anyone who owe one, please try so that we can see if it s an isolated problem or if more than one person feels the same.
3a/ about the catalytic reaction and the `possible` health hazard, well, we can compare the problem to the mobile phones microwaves...people say: `if it was bad for us, it wouldn t be on the market, would it? `
It s better not to discuss this point here, I agree, it is very complex and even after weeks of discussion, the answer will be maybe, maybe not... this is why I advised users to search by themselves and build up their personal opinion about it.
3b/ The CO released, well, I m going to release the video of my test, you will see...if more people can test this point, that would help us have several results.
catalytic reactions don t always burn completely the Butane, I am not talking about a torch lighter but about butane catalytic reaction for instance the technology of the Iolite.
Their company builds butane tools since decades, absolutely. I bought their portasol glue gun G150 which uses the same technology, I did test it for temperature, and it is extremely precise, really, their patented thermostat works perfectly.
After the test for temperature, on their catalytic glue gun G150, I did test the CO and

OH MY GOD! it releases so much CO that my CO measuring device went to it s top capacity, over 500ppm. I am talking about their glue gun here, so when a company releases such a toxic device (the glue gun again) that is supposed to be used at 30, 40cm from your nose I openly doubt about their care for health. They did their best and highly reduced the CO emitted in the vaporizer, but still, I m very upset that the chambers are somehow connected (at least in mine) . What if over time yours too, has a leak, you d slowly breath CO thinking it hits so well...
If I want to breathe CO, I would smoke instead of spending $250 on something I bought to improve my health. I can publish the videos of my tests if you wish.
I am a user who cares about his health and I just wish, that the Iolate is as great as you think it is, so that I can just enjoy it safely. Sincerely, I didn t expect discovering what i just wrote above. I am sharing this with you guys because you seems interested by a healthier living without compromising pleasure. Don t `trust` me, experience with tools and see.