weed said:i-olite said:
Can anybody explain why every post about this product by i-olite has oddly been edited to NOTHING???
I was interested in getting one but wanted to know more about it, and the thing is that its quite worrying for me that the company would remove all posts relating to manufacturing and materials (as well as safety with the butane) and in the end Im left wondering how the system even actually works??? I read on their description of the product there is "no flame" and then at the same time advertising "easily ignited and reaches vaporizing temperature".....
Drops said:You guys are scaring my about the warranty stuff. I have had mine since Christmas and have not 'smoked' since then. So this has got some use, most every day since then.
I only use Vector and purge it now and then, but starting to have issues. At times it does not turn on, if I shake it a bit it usually starts. Then when it is going it does not always seem to be running full power, hiss is not as loud, other times the his will go up and down as its heating, not the normal on and off, more like going from full power to medium power then back to full.
One question for others, the 0\1 switch on mine when it's set at 0 (off) there is a lot of play in the button, sliding it towards 1 (on) your almost half way over before it gets that resistant feel of it actually doing something. When it's set to 1 (on) there is NO play, almost like its trying to move even more towards the on position. Is this normal? could whatever is in my iolite be twisting and not letting it go to full on position?
buddhaholic420 said:I have had these same issues as well and have not really complained because the warranty took care of it.
Drops said:One question for others, the 0\1 switch on mine when it's set at 0 (off) there is a lot of play in the button, sliding it towards 1 (on) your almost half way over before it gets that resistant feel of it actually doing something. When it's set to 1 (on) there is NO play, almost like its trying to move even more towards the on position.
Is this normal?
could whatever is in my iolite be twisting and not letting it go to full on position?
flyfysher said:.... i've decided my buddy and i will suffer through combustion when we can get away and indulge in edibles until then.
meatballvaper said:Hey guys, i am a new (active) member to your site. I have been reading alot about this vape and decided to get one not too long ago. I read pretty much every single post on this thread along with the no2 one. However instead of going with the borderline cult following of the mflb (I dont like the shape, seems more likely to combust potentially) i got the no2, which broke on me after a month![]()
which puts me in this thread. my anger with vapir made me want their competitors product, enter iolite. I know I may not have much credibility, so you can listen to what i say as much or as little as you want, but in my defense, you have to start somewhere, and i do intend to be more active in this forum (as i begin to actually have something to say/contribute).
Allright so here it goes my first review. Enjoy
The Iolite is my second vape ever used, any comparisons i have are with the NO2. In the begginnning i liked the NO2 alot more for many reasons. It for one, had a whip. I wanted one. 2, it had batteries that i could charge and not waste money on butane, 3 it had a digital temperature read out/control. Also all the bad things i read save for 2 people had problems with vapirs past products, not this one.
So my no2 broke. the digital read out in it just flashes whenever i try to turn it on when its plugged in, when its just the battry i dont even get that. so for the next vape, i figured the iolite wont have those exact same problems.
Iolite the Begginning
So once i get it, im excited, ive read more online about this thing than you could ever imagine + every youtube video i could find multiple times. I was aware of the good aswell as the bad. My 1st time using it was me and 2 friends w/ some pineapple kush. After 2 bowls i was only feeling it only a little bit more than a buzz. i was like wtf.
Iolite: THe beginning of the end
Sad that while it worked, it didnt work as well as the no2, i kept experimenting and finally ii had a revelation. I was hitting it way too hard. once i started hitting it slower and amazingly i got 4 times as ripped as i wanted to be (had to go to dinner with the family). So ya there is a learning curve, but once you got it down, half as much does twice as much as the no2 did.
Now i need your help!
Like i said earlier i liked the whip. I see some similiar attachments for the iolite, but you guys are the experts, what would you recomend for a whip for the iolite?
The thought occurs to me that you could possibly measure the thing. Or just take 1 of your extra mouthpieces to your local homebrew shop, where they generally stock all different types of food grade tubing for use in siphoning and such, try em out till you find the one that fits.meatballvaper said:what size or diameter, or would it be better to just buy one online made for the iolite?