i would like to begin my very first post on this board by saying thanks to everyone...the positive, the negative, the indifferent, the good, the bad, and the ugly...after having read all 106 pages of this board and concluding to roll the dice on an iolite i waited what i felt was an appropriate amount of time before tossin' in my

...and i have to say that it was probably best, as my relationship with my iolite seems to be evolving...
when i first got the thing, i was hopefully skeptical i was hoping it was as good as all the people who are happy said, but i was worried i'd get a dud and worried that i wasn't going to enjoy vaping as much as i wanted to. thanks to the advice on the board, i didn't have too big learning curve, but since vaping is different it took some adjustment...having said that, i just recently gave away a vintage grafix i've had since college for free because "I don't need that shit anymore" fuck combustion indeed...
then when the honeymoon was over, there was the realization that i needed to make sure i had a reasonably affordable supply of good butane (GotVape.com has been nothing but awesome with respect to this experience but 15 bucks plus shipping is a little steep for a can of butane - not a good deal unless you are ordering more stuff and getting a deal on something else). turns out the local liquor store has Newport, Vector and the crappy yellow can stuff. problem solved. back to lovin' iolite.
then i encountered my first (and to this point, only - knocking on wood) stem breakage. thankfully, it wasn't severe (i twisted a little hard when the unit was hot and the steel part came loose from the plastic, but thankfully to the bud-honey worked like a sealant and glue long enough for GotVape (again, these guys have been great - ask for Lisa) to get me some replacements. again, problem solved. back in love with the iolite...
then came lake tahoe...this was my first and only experience with any problems associated gas or the piezo...truth is, the unit is tempermental at altitude. while i was able to use my iolite, it was not the same iolite i know and love at home (which is at the beach, therefore at sealevel). it was crazy. while up in the mountains my mind kept going back to all of the negative posts and the problems i'd read about, but as soon as i got down to sacramento it was vapin' like a champ...i breathed a sigh of relief filled up the gas tank and the iolite and hit I-5 south toward so.cal...happy again
recently, my college roomie came to visit from europe and kid was skeptical because "them vapo shits dont do shit but make you cough. suffice to say the thing has been a hit. now homie is talking about quitting cigarettes and only vapin' the herb...fuck combustion indeed
anyway, i ramble...the point is that the iolite has been (imo) as good as expected. has it scared or worried me on occasion? hell yeah. but thanks to the thoughtful posts on this board i was able to get through it. whether you input was positive or negative, whether you liked the thing or hated it, i learned a lot from the many posts found here. thanks fellas.
as someone new to vaping (iolite is currently my only vape), i am now in the market for a home vape that i can use as a main vape to give the iolite a break sometimes. obviously, the volcano would be my first choice, but i dont want something so expensive. whats up with the MFLB and PD? any suggestions are welcome. thanks again.