Iolite or Arizer Extreme Q?

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Well-Known Member

First time poster looking for some advice.
I have never vaped or owned a vaporizer before so I'm looking for some experienced help.
My 18 inch glass piece recently broke so i'm looking to make a vaporizer purchase ASAP.

I did some research and both the Iolite and Arizer Extreme Q seem to get good reviews and are both within my price range.

Any recommendations as to which one i should get? I like the portability and simplicity of the Iolite but the Extreme looks as if i has a ton more features and is built pretty solid. Any opinions would be greatly appreciated.



Vapor concierge
These two vapes are completely different and serve different purposes, so I suggest you determine what you want first. Here's something I wrote a while ago and will post it here for you. Read this, read some of the model specific threads, and good luck!

Things to consider when purchasing your first vaporizer, in what I consider to be order of importance:
PRICE! How much does price drive your choice? You can get a very good vaporizer for as little as $150, or you can spend upwards of $700 if price is of no concern. Just remember, more expensive does not equal better in the vaporizer world.
Delivery system. In what social settings will you vaporize the most? If youre a big party user, then consider a bag delivery system (Extreme, Volcano, Herbalaire, Mystfire, etc.). All of these units also have an option to use the whip, except the Volcano.
Efficiency. Do you have tons of herb and just want the biggest hits attainable, or are you more concerned about making your herb last, or are you somewhere in between?
Manufacturer. Make sure to buy something from a reputable manufacturer (the straightest answers on the web to this question are right here on Dont buy something cheap that you dont know where it came from. Chances are it may have come from China, where it has been confirmed that some models are made with lead paint in the vapor path.
Stealth. How discreet do you need to be? Some vaporizers are easy to put away in a closet. Others stay out in the open and look like a potpourri warmer, etc. Some scream of paraphernalia.
Learning curve. Do you want something easy to use (usually means less temperature and delivery options, but not always), or are you comfortable with a steeper learning curve?
Temperature control. Do you want a digital control with the temp readout, an analog control with just a dial, or no control using a unit that is preset at the factory? Any vaporizer worth its salt will produce vapor regardless of the temperature control feature, but more control can be good if you will be vaporizing different types of herbs.
I suggest you sit down and answer these questions yourself before buying anything. Start with price, because if its out of your price range, none of the other variables matter.
Once you have answered the above questions, its time to start reading about different vaporizers on this forum. Dont jump to a thread and post your questions without first reading the thread or, at least, using the search function to find answers. Most of your questions have already been answered in these threads. If you cant find the answer to your question, go the Ask the Vaporists forum and post it up there. Most of the members here want to help you, but dont want to clutter up model specific threads with repeated questions.
Here are my opinions on a couple of units to give you an idea of how to think about a vaporizer when purchasing it:
Purple Days
Pros: Great company, great price, unbeatable efficiency, very stealthy.
Cons: Not the best party vaporizer, but it can be done.
Neutral: It has no temperature control, which I personally think is a good thing. The lack of a temperature control makes the learning curve easier, but makes it less adaptable for other herbs.
Pros: Has a whip and bag delivery system, great customer service, very versatile with tons of bells and whistles like a remote, moderately efficient.
Cons: Is not the best on the market for either whip or bag delivery, but is the best at doing both.
Neutral: It is a new design that is going through some growing pains in terms of manufacturing defects, but the companys unsurpassed customer service more than makes up for it.
Pros: Good company that will send free replacement screens and mouthpieces, truly portable and does not need electricity, great price, moderately efficient.
Cons: Can use up a lot of butane, can burn your herb, semi-steep learning curve.
Silver Surfer
Pros: Cool design, good price, might be the thickest hits available on the market, customizable.
Cons: Low stealth

This is not meant to be an exhaustive list of good vaporizers or their features. I own all of these vaporizers, so the points made here on the other three units are from experience. This list was done to give you an idea of how to best think as a newbie to vaporizing. Good luck, and remember to post a review of whatever you buy, especially if we dont already have one on the site for the model you chose!


Vapor Astronaut
stickstones couldn't have said it better , but as a first timer , I'd go with the Q before the iolite , just because the iolite is single temp unit and thats all it is , there is so much more to the Q , dont get me wrong , I love both these units , but , each serves a different purpose :brow:


Does it have to be an Iolite or an Extreme Q? If yes...why?


Well-Known Member
Berlin said:
Does it have to be an Iolite or an Extreme Q? If yes...why?
I watched some youtube video's and read some reviews and liked the features.
I thought the portability of the iolite would be nice, but for the price it looks pretty cheap, like a toy.
I like how the Extreme has the bag/whip option and the warranty seemed pretty top notch.
It doesn't necessarily have to be either one of them so if you have other suggestions please let me know.
Mainly looking for something reliable that I can use daily.

Also, does anyone have any experience purchasing Vaporizers at Venice Beach?
Is their selection/price comparable to their glass deals?

Thanks again for any help!


Well-Known Member
Got an Iolite as my first vape - very happy with it and about to order a Q.
Get them both is my advice!

Persona Non Grata

turn on, tune in, hulk out
if your vaping at home a lot, you can't go wrong with the extreme. mine is on all day long, I love it

if you want to be portable iolite seems to have good reviews, I have never used one.
Persona Non Grata,


The Iolite is portable. It is also very economical, but It will NEVER give you the thick vapor rich hit you will get from a vaporizer like The Silver Surfer. Its also very cheaply assembled in my opinion. It biggest design flaw...a chamber that can be pulled off very easily; and dump your precious herb all over the ground. That being said; if you are looking for portability, it is one of the best portable vaporizers on the market at this point in time.
Check out the Silver Surfer.
If you do decide to get a Silver Surfer, please put a cooment that Berlin recommended it on your order.


...if you have any other questions just ask.


Well-Known Member
Berlin said:
The Iolite is portable. It is also very economical, .......
Economical? As compared to what? imho, that statement needs to be qualified.


As compared to many vaporizers on the market.


Well-Known Member
Berlin said:
As compared to many vaporizers on the market.
As compared to "some" vaporizers on the market. I just think it was a blanket statement that needs a bit of qualification. For me, the Iolite is anything but economical.


I agree it was a broad statement. Sorry if it was not more clear; but as you see I did not recommend he purchase the Iolite unless "Portability" was crucial...

It may not be as economical as the PD but at least you arent breathing smoked cherry wood...


Well-Known Member
Berlin said:
It may not be as economical as the PD but at least you arent breathing smoked cherry wood...
WTF are you talking about? Breathing smoked cherry wood? LOL !!!!

(sorry for the derail guys, but I couldn't leave that statement go unchallenged.)


I am going to post this with an introduction stating that because PD has a vested interest dont be surprised if I am banned and my posts erased. Then I will go on to post this.
Taking credit for something you copied is one thing. Telling people that its ROHS compliant, but neglecting to mention that if anyone were to remove the two c clips on the top of a Purple Days they can slide the entire guts out. Once they remove the stainless steel tube liner that is between the heat exchanger and the wooden exterior they will find that the cherry wood is charred. I read so much about Toms reason for building the PD is because it doesnt give off toxins. Is it good to breathe smoked wood? So is that charring of the wood to impart a cherry smoke flavor to the vapor? If you dont believe me look inside your Purple Days, and see for yourself.

If you own a PD, please answer these questions:

1. How old is your PD?
2. Did you look to see if its charred?
3. Is it charred?
4. Does your PD rattle if you shake it? (Are the guts loose?)


Well-Known Member
Guess you also believe that your are smoking charred Myrtlewood in the Zaps too, eh?

Berlin, you brought up the PD in this thread which is totally off topic (as well as my Zap comment above). If your post, and my subsequent posts get deleted, it has NOTHING to do with any kind of "vested" interest, but more to do with the fact that you took this thread in a whole other direction. We were talking about the Iolite and the Extreme. Bringing up the PD and then taking that opportunity to flame it is, imho, wayyyyy out of line. If you want to do that, I suggest to do it in the PD thread, or at least, start another.


vapor junkie
Staff member
Here's a big surprise: "Berlin" was previously banned under a different username for similar bs.

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