Volcano South said:
I really need to get some 3' milky vapor bag shots.
Oh yes, that you DO need to do VS.
Volcano South said:
You guys would smile ear to ear.
And then smile we shall.

After a little bit of thought I do tend to agree with this view VS, which was espoused earlier as well: bags are obviously a sound way to medicate a group. Very practical, and as has been mentioned there is virtually no learning curve. I do still stand by my question though, Cdel. I think it is more important to identify the specific needs of the group you have in mind than just to ask "what works best for a group?" There are many different dynamics which could change the needs of a group, not least among them experience with the herb and acceptance to concept of vapor (which, believe it or not, not everyone is open to at this moment).
The PD may be enough for a small group, if you've got good herb and low tolerances, but otherwise you just can't go through enough herb fast enough (and indeed the whole point of the PD to me is to SAVOR every last drop of the herb) to make it practical. A bag is probably less convenient for one person (and many people--VS included--may dispute with me here...and chances are they actually know what they're talking about, as I don't own a bag unit anymore, and hated the only one I've owned), but for a group it seems to be the perfect solution. You still deal with the diminishing returns, stale vapor etc., but you really can't argue with the convenience of a bag full of vapor you can pass among buddies as freely as a joint. That's what group sessioning is all about, to me...the communal aspect of the deed, and not crowding around one single unit waiting to take your turns sucking of its silicone tendril. Not that I don't love sucking on those silicone tendrils. This is actually how I still justify smoking joints when I get together with friends to smoke (we only smoke on average once a month now...together I mean...getting older, don't you know).
Anyway, I just don't see this as being a simple answer. It's not a simple question, there are dynamics you need to consider before you attempt an answer. That's my point.