maconheiro revolucionario
Greg from Pharmacor tells me that they will send XPs to PV next week
mental note: never pre-order again
Greg from Pharmacor tells me that they will send XPs to PV next week
mental note: never pre-order again
Yep, I can certainly sympathicize. We face the same challenges in my business. There is always a battle between engineering, sales and marketing as to when we ship a product.Waiting does suck, but if there is anything i've learned in the past 2 years, it's that this pretty much happens to every manufacturer!
mental note: never pre-order again
I don't think they fall into the same category as the miVape has been delayed for over a year and half. XP is currently shipping directly from the manufacture.Got my lesson with the miVape and now the INH004 XP. Companys should'nt tease and torment potential users like this!
PV delayed it again to 2/11 :/
Greg from Pharmacor tells me that they will send XPs to PV next week
I think I should have my XP by next friday [canada post 5-8 days], I'll post up a review/pics and a little comparison between the Pax/Solo/XP..
Yeah I know but guys that is next week, like LeTchan said:
Edit: hahaha I should check a calendar first next time, but if they're expecting them during the week,
2-11 is the monday after so I guess that makes sense..
The problem is they keep giving a date then when it gets close they change it. So we really have no idea if they will actually be shipping 2/11.
No I ordered it from a seller on eBay, he lives in Montreal and claimed to work 5 minutes away from Pharmacor, seems legit cause he sent me a tagged picture and also claims Simmy got one from his company also.Did you order directly from Pharmacor?
Hey, what happened to Taylor from TheOtherSideVapes? Nothing lately and nothing about the XP on his site and 004 out of stock. Hope he's all good.
They're waiting for their shipment from Pharmacor, and the rep from Pharmacor did say they're sending it next week so this time I don't see it being moved back again. Especially when you Pharmacor has been already shipped a few XP, so it's not like they're still having to work out kinks.
I'd be surprised if its pushed back again