My point is, if 'the government' is going to control healthcare, they are gonna want to control lifestyle.
If that fellow wants to smoke he can, but I don't think that will be the case if it's 'universal'. Pretend that NHS is not 'the government', but really it is, right? They decide, you have no say.
As you say, certain folks are denied healthcare based on the cost to the system vs. the benefit. ie. We Say So ! Can you say Eugenics? Bet that ruffles some feathers!
Pharmaceutical companies (in the US) charge a fortune for drugs. Wanna know why? Cause in the US they are constantly being sued and the awards are outta sight. $100,000,000 here and another $100M there and who pays, the consumer...
I know all of you think I'm an asshole and that everybody deserves 'free' healthcare... that the pharmaceutical companies are assholes... that the Doctors are assholes... that all it would take is a stroke of the pen and we could all be happy and live as one... oh well...
I have no insurance. Something called pre-existing conditions make insurance useless since they won't cover what's already there. I pay cash and when the Doctor says, your gall bladder must come out and we can do it two different ways, Choice A is $21,000 and choice B is $18,000 guess what... I'll take choice B. When the pills are $2400 vs. $1325 guess what... But left up to the Doctors what do you suppose his choice is?
It's not simple, but 'free' sounds so good doesn't it?
BTW start telling Pharma companies what you will pay and watch what happens to research or orphan drugs. Not to mention the lawsuits and ridiculous awards... They just took Darvon off the market...
ps. read the post above after sending mine. Yes, the folks in the US do not trust the doctors. Many suffer needlessly for that reason. USA, USA, USA