I'm still high 24 hours later

Aimless Ryan

Came to read about grinders; fucked combustion
Now I won't be able to say in ten years, "I've used my Volcano every day since the beginning of 2017."
Aimless Ryan,
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Well-Known Member
My son dropped off some "Pixie Stix". A Lik Em Aid candy infusion. Came in a large folded straw with a supposed 4 doses. I ate half.( 2 dose) and nice day trip. I offered other half to my daughter who shrugged and poured the whole thing into her mouth and struggled before she puked in sink. Good times.:rockon::myday:

Aimless Ryan

Came to read about grinders; fucked combustion
5 g of oil (0.25 g dose) didn't get me super baked. I may have to try 6 g again (tonight) before I take my prospective break, mainly to see if 6 g does what it did the other day.
Aimless Ryan,
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Aimless Ryan

Came to read about grinders; fucked combustion
Since my last 0.25 g dose didn't seem to do as much as the previous 0.25 g dose, I haven't eaten any of my canna-oil since whenever I last checked in. I figured if I stop consuming this way for a while, it might be better next time.

Then this just occurred to me: I haven't used cannabis for a few days. So I'm thinking today may be the right day to eat again. (My piss should not be in demand again anytime soon.)
Aimless Ryan,

Aimless Ryan

Came to read about grinders; fucked combustion
I think I meant 0.3 g dose (6 g of oil) yesterday. Doesn't really matter, though, because I chickened out. Ended up filling about 1/3 of a 20" Volcano bag a few times throughout the evening.

I may eat the oil today, considering I won't have a pain pill script until Monday, and I'd rather not exhaust my tiny "Oh shit!" stash of opioids. (I won't withdraw or anything; I'll just hurt like normal.)
Aimless Ryan,

Aimless Ryan

Came to read about grinders; fucked combustion
Clank-clank-clank-clank-clank-clank-clank-clank...Keep hands, arms, and feet inside car at all times...

5 g of oil/0.25 g dose.
Aimless Ryan,

Aimless Ryan

Came to read about grinders; fucked combustion
I was uncomfortably baked for at least a few hours from today's treat. As it snuck up on me, I rolled out into the neighborhood (on my power chair) to buy some smokes; I had the feeling if I waited any longer, I shouldn't even try to go anywhere. I had no idea what was going on; had to be very careful with my chair around the cars filling up at the gas station.

Neither vaping nor smoking does that to me. Not even close.

Shortly after that my nurse came over for his weekly visit. I had forgotten he told me he'd be over today. (He usually comes on Fridays, but he had to postpone yesterday since I was at a doctor appointment when he normally comes.) So that kinda fucked with my ability to chill.

I don't think I'll do this much more, because although it does seem to provide more relief than vaping, it also makes me much weaker than usual, which is already dangerously weak.

Thankfully it didn't last longer than three or four hours this time.
Aimless Ryan,
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great thread. always fun to read about these experiments and adventures.
here's what i do, currently:
i don't measure it out per dosage, it's all eyeball and i pretty much have it down.
my thing is the humble but effective firecracker, and i've made certain adjustments which have amped up its potency dramatically.
first, using fresh bud, i'll decarb using the Nova unit. I'd use the stove but the neighbors in my building.. not a great idea. The Nova does a really good job without smell, so that's that.
every step in the process is of equal importance. the next step is preheating the oven for at least 15 minutes or so. I have a thermometer and that's very important especially if you're using a toaster or convection oven etc.
I want the temp at about 310 give or take but that's the general range.
while it's warming up I'll spread organic creamy peanut butter on both graham crackers, then I sprinkle the bud - i say it's about a half a joint's worth - on both crackers on top of the peanut butter.
Then I'll take a toothpick and spread the peanut butter over and around the bud so it's swallowed up by the peanut butter.
Then I'll add a layer of coconut oil on top of both, and glide it across both crackers with a butter knife.
I'll carefully join both crackers together and wrap it securely in aluminum foil - you want it tight and solid.
assuming the temp is where it should be i'll throw the firecracker into the oven for 22 or 23 minutes.
that's it - but after it's done and after it cools down i'll put it in the freezer for about an hour.

The results are amazing. always. and the coconut oil adds flavor which is nice.

For ABV, try this sometime:

Take a half cup of ABV and run it through a coffee grinder so it's powder fine.
Throw it into a mason type jar. Add 1/2 cup of organic grapeseed oil.
Add a dash of apple cider vinegar and a dash of salt as well.
Seal it up, shake it good and put it in a dark area like inside your kitchen cabinet.
Every day for 10 days open and stir it with a bamboo skewer or something equally psychedelic.
I don't recommend shaking it because no matter how tight the seal is, the oil will find a way to leak through the top. just stir it.
So ten days later you can now use this as the oil in a brownie mix.
there is no need to strain this at all; there's no discernible solid plant matter at this point.
When you bake the brownies don't bake higher than 325 even if the recipe calls for 350. just use the toothpick test to know if they're done and ready.
These brownies will be amazing and their best stored in the freezer.

have fun and good luck!


Singer of songs and a vapor connoisseur
I've posted this in other threads but the ABV milkshake is what kept me feeling like I was way to medicated for over 24 hours. I didn't think ABV would be that potent so I used about a 1/3 of a cup of powdered ABV with chocolate ice cream, milk and peanut butter. I drank half and didn't feel medicated after two hours so I drank the rest. That was my mistake. It took a total of approx 3 hours to kick in.

The next day I had to go to work and I felt too medicated to even drive. I do live a few miles from where I work. The feeling didn't wear off until evening. I will never do that again. It was too much.

While overmedicated I slept like a log but in the morning just felt way too tired to do anything, let alone work and drive. Use ABV with caution.


I've posted this in other threads but the ABV milkshake is what kept me feeling like I was way to medicated for over 24 hours. I didn't think ABV would be that potent so I used about a 1/3 of a cup of powdered ABV with chocolate ice cream, milk and peanut butter. I drank half and didn't feel medicated after two hours so I drank the rest. That was my mistake. It took a total of approx 3 hours to kick in.

The next day I had to go to work and I felt too medicated to even drive. I do live a few miles from where I work. The feeling didn't wear off until evening. I will never do that again. It was too much.

While overmedicated I slept like a log but in the morning just felt way too tired to do anything, let alone work and drive. Use ABV with caution.

a third of a cup is insane but it would have been far worse if you infused it; that's almost a whole batch of ABV brownies. at least you got your roughage requirement for the month.
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