I got a lux straight mini... I get some fat vapor rips from it with my PD. I also own a wicked sands tiny tube, also a great vapor tube, only available in beakers... Here's a pic of mine (EDIT#1:note the lighter for size reference):
Henn is right.. single chamber is much better, less glass for the vapor to condense on.. I'm not worried about losing so little vapor, I still get fat rips with PD+Lux mini. Many here use the 100mL/250mL Ehle tubes for vapor rips as well, I've never had the pleasure of ripping one. Just a heads up, I heard that there are new Lux Mini's that are supposed to be coming out, so do a lot of research (and maybe a bit of waiting) before buying your glass.
Hope this helped.
EDIT#2: Guess I never really answered your question.. If you got your heart set on a lux, I'd say go with the straight but that's because I prefer straights in general... I like the faster clear. What kind of vape do you have anyways? If you can settle for something a little less fancy but more practical, I'd say go with a 12"-14" 5mm thick 50mm bore tube, no perc, with an SGW showerhead diffy for diffusion (these rock btw, buy one if you can. I'm gonna try an Alex K showerhead sometime in the near future and compare the two) but again that's just my opinion. OKAY anyways enough stoned rambling lol I need to go to sleep.
EDIT#3: Hehehe.. had fun doing these for ya. Lux ~14.5" straight mini 5 arm perc with 8 slit bushing diffy & SGW 18>18 showerhead diffy and 18>14mm bushing adapter for the PD stem
With rips like that.. I aint sweatin' over no condensed vapor, hehe. Imagine with a coozy
grippin' grain as henny would say..