I scream you scream we all scream for thc-icecream


New Member
I did a search and didn't see anything about an idea I think I had on my own, as far as I know. It occurred to me one night while I had a pint of my favorite sorbet(lactose intolerant) in front of me that maybe I could use the cold icecream to collect the THC when I exhale. Curious I took the top to the pint and cracked it open and then exhaled my hit into the pint. I was not all that surprised too see the vapors turn from what I would consider a great-heavy hit, into what looked like a much thicker vapor almost boardering on steam. I did this 3 times each time putting the lid back on as soon as I was done.. After the last one I waited almost 4 mins and was surprised too see that the vapors had remained a thick steam look inside the pint that quickly wafted out of the container when it was opened. I use a dark sorbet myself and after 2-3 times you can see a solid layer of white frost on top of the dark sorbet. Trust me, good stuff... Doesn't effect the taste at all but you will feel it after a little while.....
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