I Quit Facebook and it Feels Good


Singer of songs and a vapor connoisseur
The Fake Americans Russia Created to Influence the Election - The New York Times
The New York Times › politics › russia-f...
Sep 7, 2017 - On Facebook and Twitter, Russian fingerprints are on hundreds or thousands of fake accounts that .... In June, he allowed that “free-spirited” hackers might have awakened in a good mood one day and ...

How would we know who we are talking to and what propaganda was being littered throughout Facebook and twitter? What happens during the next presidential election? I understand Facebook is ideal if you live far away from family and friends.
Its a way to keep in contact.

Facebook needs to have some safeguards included and more oversight. Some major overhaul within the system itself.
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Just a dude
I joined FB in 2007, my family and I haved lived far away from fam & friends. It was fun for a while but then began to feel like work, just filling old schoolmates in on what's been happening and catching up took too much time. Then it seemed to shift from catching up to political bashing, food pics, and all the weird ways people use FB. Then FB introduced Timeline, news feeds & targeted ads and that really creeped me out. I've not really used it for years but my wife is constantly there, completely addicted. But then she's always been far more social than myself.

2017 is the year I found FC, simply because I wanted to stop smoking cannabis but knew I needed it medically. I found my solution here but I also found this incredible community. I still can't believe FC was here the whole time, waiting for me to catch up. It lifts my spirits and makes me feel less alone with my health stuff. My wife loves me and tries to understand but it's difficult to explain chronic pain. I found and still find posts that could have been written by me, it's uncanny and incredibly comforting. Fuck Facebook and Combustion! I'm FC all day.


Singer of songs and a vapor connoisseur


facebook has been valuable for me as a way to catch up with old friends, just to be able to type "hi" and look at photos, etc, it's groups are sometimes fun (shit record covers) and informative (magical butter machine, etc.) but I won't add the FB app to my phone and I recognize it for the surveillance and tracking device that it is. If you like topical discussions with some expectation of privacy I recommend exploring usenet.


In the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is king
I've steered clear of having my own Facebook "account" but my wife, some real friends, many of my in-laws, outlaws and other relatives use it. I use it as well but I do it in stealth mode. What I mean by stealth mode is....

Many social networking sites have some assets that are valuable to me but in order to access some of them I am expected to have an account first. I learned the hard way via LinkedIn that having your own account can be a huge pain in the ass as people and companies you don't want anything to do with find you. So in the case of Facebook I use the wife's account to access the local pages for shrimping/fishing, community happenings and swip/swap (People in the community selling or giving away stuff). This way the wife keeps getting the Facebook updates from those I do care to hear from and I can still access the sites I want without exposing myself. You'd be amazed at how quickly those Facebook patrons that want to reach out to me figured out that texting, email and phone calls is the way to go unless you just want the wife to relay a message.

A long time ago I was trying to view a potential hire's LinkedIn page but it wouldn't let me unless I created an account. So I created it, didn't populate it and didn't use it. I am lucky work wise and don't need to network so I was surprised when I started getting all these out-of-the-blue requests to be linked up. Found myself having to explain to these folks that I'm not really bothering with it. Some thought I was avoiding them because I didn't want them to think I would give them a good reference or wanted to be associated with them. Wouldn't have mattered except some folks I thought highly of came away thinking the same way sometimes.

Sometimes the wife will ask me to check out a posting from someone I care about and I open my eyes too soon and run into the textual/graphical diarrhea that makes up the majority of what "these friends" feel was important. Ever want to reply "Geez, get a life" when that happens to you? Don't bother .... it's obvious they're not using the life they already have so getting another isn't going to work.

EDIT: Maybe I'm prejudiced but FC isn't like Facebook in terms of the mundane and the expectation that you'll participate. I'm so grateful to FC that way.
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