I quit cigarettes!!


I really admire that you were able to quit smoking cigarettes, I watch my gf struggle with the addiction every single day.
have you suggested ecigs to your girlfriend?
it worked for me - former two pack a day smoker; haven't had one in about a year and a half - don't even recall my quit date - meaning there's no further attachment.


Vapes Hard
have you suggested ecigs to your girlfriend?
it worked for me - former two pack a day smoker; haven't had one in about a year and a half - don't even recall my quit date - meaning there's no further attachment.

This! My coworkers used to poke fun at my ecig - until they saw that it actually works. Now a couple of those same people are trying to quit, and are asking me for advice.

I think the key is finding an ecig that works for you - I was using a shitty disposable one at first, and kept bouncing back to real cigs, because it just wasn't doing it for me. Once I found one that fit me (I needed a heavy hitter, my UltraMax RES gave me that), it was smooth sailing from there. Careful though, ecigs can become an addiction of their own... much more healthy, though. :)


That above! They key to finding a good ecig is to *not* buy one at a mall kiosk or Seven-Eleven.
The most popular starter good ecig in the "ecig underground" is the Ego.
A bunch of people here are heavily into quality ecigs so this is the place to start for info - there's a dedicated thread somewhere here.
I have to say, if it wasn't for the world of marijuana and FC, I'd still be smoking cigarettes.
Reason is that one very benevolent regular on this site gifted me with an Ego - and this was against my protest, because I had used a shopping mall ecig and didn't think much of it.
This is where to get a real education on the matter -
and yes it is absolutely an addiction in its own right.
However I'm choosing to believe that it's a lot less bad than smoking.
I actually enjoy vaping more than I had ever enjoyed smoking. It's just cleaner and more pleasurable.
Getting the right starter kit will absolutely make it very easy for your girlfriend to transition away from tobacco.
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