I need advice


Well-Known Member
Hi all

not been around for ages as was happy with my various stuff and so was too stoned to type. you may have realised by this post that an issue has arisen, i need a new vape.

mighty is dying so really only got the dynavap at the mo so itching to get something new. not interested in another mighty or mighty+ as only ever found it ok not mindblowing

so what i am looking for is something i can sit using when watching telly with wife and at home, portable, good flavour, clouds are always nice. basically a new daily driver for me

at the moment i am thinking of either the tinymight 2 or the airvape legacy pro but i am open to the wisdom of the forum and looking to really get a sense of where to go. budget is irrelevant really as if i get a few good years out of it i will be happy

slap me around the face with your wisdom people


I like my AVLP a lot, it’ll definitely suit your needs. Don’t pay full price though, there’s always discounts and there’s a V2 in the pipeline.

Get the updated dosing caps and some spares to make cleaning easier.

I’ve not used a TM but there’s a lot of comparisons between them on here to read through.


Almost there...

Welcome back mate!
Good to hear your vapes have kept VAS at bay until now!!

I had the AIrVape and quickly and sold it, it did not meet any of my expectations at all... Very gimmicky IMO but that's just me!

The Tiny Might 2 is a totally different story!! A friend has one and I borrow it every now and then since he is mostly concentrates these days... Good for me!

It's a beast of a vape and will do everything you need it to and more.
Easy to use as well which is a bonus.

My only complaint is and always has been is the damn batteries! The TM2 eats them like crazy! I get around 5 bowls per charge which is not bad at all!

I am a desktop kind of guy!
Switch it on and it's always ready to go!
I also find desktops to be way more consistent with day to day use but YMMV!

TM2 gets my vote!


two dog star
maybe a terp hammer with dab ready? this looks promising...
I tried a buddies crafty but I think that there is always a plastic note present, and the vapor production was really low compared to a desktop.
And would like to recommend the lotus butane vaporizer with a small bong or bubbler. this is so cool to vape like you smoke a bowl. and it's so fast to draw really thick vapor...
Last but not least, mobile ball vapes could be an option as well.
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Lesser-Known Lurker
There's also the Venty if you preferred the session type experience of your Mighty. TM2 has a session mode, but really excels as an on demand vape.

Another consideration is the TM2 is a stem based system, while Mighty/Venty and AVLP have chambers. This impacts usage style, accessories, cleaning approach, etc...

Good luck!


Well-Known Member
I like the look of the venty but think thats a year away from being ready and i dont want to fuck about with rma

I am thinking TM2, anyone know any good deals for uk? I normally vapefiend unless i can find a juicy deal


Well-Known Member

I asked a similar question and got some good answers. https://fuckcombustion.com/threads/whats-your-favourite-vape-to-watch-a-movie-with.54683/

I think I'm holding out for the new taffee bowely or maybe a minivap if I can find a UK supplier.

For the time being I'm huffing and puffing up and down the stairs to the spare room and hitting the SSV with the balls in it. I need to get more steps in after being a greedy pig over xmas, so no worries.


Well-Known Member
Ok so TM2 it is. Magic vaporizers store looks a good deal. TM2, pack of 5 dosing capsules plus one free, long glass stem with balls, 80mm glass stem, plus all the normal in box stuff. £345 delivered. Seems OK, anyone think I need anything accessories wise?


Spare batteries and a decent charger. I recommend FogStar, they do a 10% off on Fridays which is nice for big orders.

I’ve not used a TM but I see a lot of them in cases if you’re into that kind of stuff.


Human (H. sapiens x H. neanderthalensis)
Ok so TM2 it is. Magic vaporizers store looks a good deal. TM2, pack of 5 dosing capsules plus one free, long glass stem with balls, 80mm glass stem, plus all the normal in box stuff. £345 delivered. Seems OK, anyone think I need anything accessories wise?
Just a heads up, the tinymight will be a different experience than mighty. Tinymight is powerful and maybe not the vape you enjoy in front of the tv. Mighty is more session type, slower and more puffing. The tinymight instead can finish in one or two hits if you want to. Some will argue that the tinymight can do session too. I agree, it can but that means you have to start low on the dial and constantly turn it up. Works for some, less for others. Just something to think about ;)


Well-Known Member
Just a heads up, the tinymight will be a different experience than mighty. Tinymight is powerful and maybe not the vape you enjoy in front of the tv. Mighty is more session type, slower and more puffing. The tinymight instead can finish in one or two hits if you want to. Some will argue that the tinymight can do session too. I agree, it can but that means you have to start low on the dial and constantly turn it up. Works for some, less for others. Just something to think about ;)
Yeah that's what I want, clear a bowl, relax, clear another. Rinse and repeat. The mighty was only ever ok and I didn't have the coming to Jesus moment my mate did for example.
I always preferred my underdog log vape but that lacks the portable side I want as I meander around the house. Like the dynavap also but means more stuff. I am thinking TM2 and dosing capsules solve that.
The only other option I can see is the venty and that seems such a gamble at the moment with casualty rate akin to the somme


Well-Known Member
Ok all sorted. Got the Tinymight 2 , 6 dosing capsules, 80mm glass stem, extended glass stem with balls, and a maintenance kit. Found a 5% coupon so came in at 338 delivered. Expect a stoned update tomorrow evening.

Love you guys so thanks for the help
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