I just saw the moon


Well-Known Member
Awful quiet lately - I have to report that there's an awful lot of cloud most of the time in the city. I check the sky most evenings to see if it's worth setting up the telescope but mostly nothing.... Also, I don't seem to have the drive/energy to load up the car and head for the hills. There isn't an astronomy club as such either :shrug:

In better news, it's great to see (glimpse) the stars march across the sky. My clearest view is S to W and Orion, so dominant in winter, is pretty much out of sight now. I believe we'll be seeing Saturn and Jupiter travelling with the moon this month. Looking forward to having them in the night sky. I got a huge kick from seeing Jupiter's moons :D and still haven't seen the rings of Saturn :D

Clear skies, boys :wave:

EDIT: That's Jupiter there - just up and to the right of the moon in the east :nod:
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"A man with no vices is a man with no virtues"
Awful quiet lately - I have to report that there's an awful lot of cloud most of the time in the city. I check the sky most evenings to see if it's worth setting up the telescope but mostly nothing....

I believe we'll be seeing Saturn and Jupiter travelling with the moon this month. Looking forward to having them in the night sky. I got a huge kick from seeing Jupiter's moons :D and still haven't seen the rings of Saturn :D

Clear skies, boys :wave:

Yeah ... we had about a month of rain in NYC but it's turned to summer the past few days ... got a good look at the "Flower moon" on Saturday night and looking foward to nice weather nights going forward ... unfortunately there's nothing like those winter skies ... the viewing is so much better inbthat cold crisp air and the constellations ... just beautiful ... clear skies ... :peace:

ps ... if they're any space heads out there who haven't seen Apollo 11 yet, make sure that you do... i saw it at IMAX when it first came out and I'm hoping they do a return run for the 50th anniversary week .... i think I'll pop in the Bluray and hit my OmniVap a few times ... lift off, we have lift off :cool:
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Well-Known Member
ps ... if they're any space heads out there who haven't seen Apollo 11 yet, make sure that you do... i saw it at IMAX when it first came out and I'm hoping they do a return run for the 50th anniversary week .... i think I'll pop in the Bluray and hit my OmniVap a few times ... lift off, we have lift off :cool:

Isn't it awesome? I must have seen dozens of Apollo docos but this one is so well put together! We really get a feel for the mission - and the astronauts. Talk about a wing and a prayer! Remastered footage is spectacular. I can clearly remember seeing the moon landing, aged 8 :haw:


"A man with no vices is a man with no virtues"
Venus inching closer to the Pleiades (M45) to become one with the 7 sisters on Friday night ... try to break free from this home isolation we're in and be sure to check it out ... hoping for clear skies tonight and tomorrow ...


Well-Known Member

Beautiful night here :-:D Spectacular Venus. 25x70 binoculars - just fits in frame. Venus clearly spherical :D planet. Looks like it's illuminating the Pleiades, not like the moon :D 7 sisters? I can see tons of stars... slipping away now...
EDIT: Well, that was special. And I treated myself to a precious bowl of lockdown assorted mix in the daVinci Ascent. ;)
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I love stargazing.
Here are some pictures I took with my smartphone through a 20cm dobsonian telescope;

The Moon


Jupiter with two of its moons

A transit of Mercury across the Sun. Mercury is the small black dot to the right.
This picture was taken through a solar telescope.
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