I just saw the moon


"A man with no vices is a man with no virtues"


Old & In the Way
This morning's waning gibbous from about 6 hours ago... note Venus (?) and also the building number... that's Route 20, aka the Boston Post Road:

Best I could do with little effort on a cold cloudy/hazy early morning stroll...:peace:
That's a long road!
I'm in NY, a very short stroll from the Boston Post Rd, down along here it is on US 1, the Maine to Miami "highway" that predates I-95 by a couple hundred years.


(zombie) Woof.
That's a long road!
I'm in NY, a very short stroll from the Boston Post Rd, down along here it is on US 1, the Maine to Miami "highway" that predates I-95 by a couple hundred years.
Well, hop in that car of yours and cruise up and checkout all the new glass, dab crap, 'trates and flower I have on hand... if you leave now, you should make it by dinner... I'll fix a plate for you...! :tup::peace:

Edit: you think I'm joking, @vapviking (u2 @NYC_Frank)? We New Englanders don't talk shit (unless we're talkin' shit)... Charge up the Prius/gas up the Porsche! I'm (currently) literally 3 mins off 495, just 5 mins south of the 290 interchange (I bet it's no more than about 200 miles and 5 hours if you get "creative"... but I'd opt for the Tappan Zee, love that fuckin' bridge!)

Led Zeppelin - The Crunge (Official Audio)
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Putin is a War Criminal


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NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope and Hubble Space Telescope have united to study an expansive galaxy cluster known as MACS0416. The resulting panchromatic image combines visible & infrared light to assemble one of the most comprehensive views of the universe ever taken.


Large pic (can zoom)

This panchromatic view of galaxy cluster MACS0416 was created by combining infrared observations from the NASA/ESA/CSA James Webb Space Telescope with visible-light data from the NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope.

[Image description: A field of galaxies on the black background of space. In the middle is a collection of dozens of yellowish spiral and elliptical galaxies that form a foreground galaxy cluster. Among them are distorted linear features, which mostly appear to follow invisible concentric circles curving around the centre of the image. The linear features are created when the light of a background galaxy is bent and magnified through gravitational lensing. A variety of brightly coloured, red and blue galaxies of various shapes are scattered across the image, making it feel densely populated.]


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HAL is a StarChild
This incredible snapshot from Euclid is a revolution for astronomy. The image shows 1000 galaxies belonging to the Perseus Cluster, and more than 100 000 additional galaxies further away in the background, each containing up to hundreds of billions of stars.
Many of these faint galaxies were previously unseen. Some of them are so distant that their light has taken 10 billion years to reach us. By mapping the distribution and shapes of these galaxies, cosmologists will be able to find out more about how dark matter shaped the Universe that we see today.
This is the first time that such a large image has allowed us to capture so many Perseus galaxies in such a high level of detail. Perseus is one of the most massive structures known in the Universe, located ‘just’ 240 million light-years away from Earth, containing thousands of galaxies, immersed in a vast cloud of hot gas. Astronomers demonstrated that galaxy clusters like Perseus can only have formed if dark matter is present in the Universe.

Over its lifetime, our dark Universe detective will image billions of galaxies, revealing the hidden influence that dark matter and dark energy have on them.
That’s why it’s fitting that one of the first galaxies that Euclid observed is nicknamed the ‘Hidden Galaxy’. This galaxy, also known as IC 342 or Caldwell 5, is difficult to observe because it lies behind the busy disc of our Milky Way, and so dust, gas and stars obscure our view.
Euclid could take this beautiful and sharp image thanks to its incredible sensitivity and superb optics. Most important here is that Euclid used its near-infrared instrument to peer through the dust and measure the light from the many cool and low-mass stars that dominate the galaxy's mass.

his square astronomical image is speckled with numerous stars visible across the black expanse of space. Most stars are visible only as pinpoints. More stars are crowding the center of the image, visible as an irregular round shape. This is an irregular galaxy. The center of the galaxy appears whiter and the edges yellower. Several pink bubbles are visible spread throughout the galaxy, these are star forming regions. The stars across the entire image range in color from blue to white to yellow/red, across a black background of space. Blue stars are younger and red stars are older. A few of the stars are a bit larger than the rest, with six diffraction spikes.
This first irregular dwarf galaxy that Euclid observed is called NGC 6822 and is located close by, just 1.6 million light-years from Earth.

This sparkly image shows Euclid’s view on a globular cluster called NGC 6397. Globular clusters are collections of hundreds of thousands of stars held together by gravity.
Located about 7800 light-years from Earth, NGC 6397 is the second-closest globular cluster to us. Together with other globular clusters it orbits in the disc of the Milky Way, where the majority of stars are located.
Globular clusters are some of the oldest objects in the Universe. That’s why they contain a lot of clues about the history and evolution of their host galaxies, like this one for the Milky Way.
The challenge is that it is typically difficult to observe an entire globular cluster in just one sitting. Their centers contain lots of stars, so many that the brightest ‘drown out’ the fainter ones. Their outer regions extend a long way out and contain mostly low-mass, faint stars. It is the faint stars that can tell us about previous interactions with the Milky Way.

Euclid shows us a spectacularly panoramic and detailed view of the Horsehead Nebula, also known as Barnard 33 and part of the constellation Orion.
At approximately 1375 light-years away, the Horsehead – visible as a dark cloud shaped like a horse’s head – is the closest giant star-forming region to Earth. It sits just to the south of star Alnitak, the easternmost of Orion’s famous three-star belt, and is part of the vast Orion molecular cloud.
Many other telescopes have taken images of the Horsehead Nebula, but none of them are able to create such a sharp and wide view as Euclid can with just one observation. Euclid captured this image of the Horsehead in about one hour, which showcases the mission's ability to very quickly image an unprecedented area of the sky in high detail.


HAL is a StarChild
Euclid Space Telescope

Euclid is named after the Greek mathematician Euclid of Alexandria, who lived around 300 BC and founded the subject of geometry. As the density of matter and energy is linked to the geometry of the universe, the mission was named in his honor.

Mission objectives

Euclid is designed to explore the evolution of the dark Universe. It will make a 3D-map of the Universe (with time as the third dimension) by observing billions of galaxies out to 10 billion light-years, across more than a third of the sky.
While dark energy accelerates the expansion of the Universe and dark matter governs the growth of cosmic structures, scientists remain unsure about what dark energy and dark matter actually are.
By observing the Universe evolving over the past 10 billion years, Euclid will reveal how it has expanded and how structure has formed over cosmic history – and from this, astronomers can infer the properties of dark energy, dark matter and gravity, to reveal more about their precise nature.
This addresses two core themes of ESA’s Cosmic Vision program: What are the fundamental physical laws of the Universe? and How did the Universe originate and what is it made of?

Key questions

Euclid is designed to tackle some of the most important questions in cosmology:

What is the structure and history of the cosmic web?
What is the nature of dark matter?
How has the expansion of the Universe changed over time?
What is the nature of dark energy?
Is our understanding of gravity complete?

Spacecraft and Instruments

The Euclid spacecraft is approximately 4.7 m tall and 3.7 m in diameter. It consists of two major components: the service module and the payload module.
The payload module comprises a 1.2-m-diameter telescope and two scientific instruments: a visible-wavelength camera (the VISible instrument, VIS) and a near-infrared camera/spectrometer (the Near-Infrared Spectrometer and Photometer, NISP). The service module contains the satellite systems: electric power generation and distribution, attitude control, data processing electronics, propulsion, telecommand and telemetry, and thermal control.

The VIS Instrument

The VIS instrument is one of two instruments on Euclid. It is a large format imager, with 609 million pixels covering a field of view of 0.57 deg2 (almost 3 times the solid angle of the full Moon) with 0.1 arcsec sampling. The full image is transmitted to ground, making these the largest images yet for an astronomical satellite. VIS slightly under-samples the telescope point spread function, but this is recovered through multiple exposures, so its effective angular resolution is 0.18 arcsec.
The focal plane consists of 36 CCD273-84, custom designed and manufactured for VIS by e2v (now Teledyne e2v). They are read out from the four corners, resulting in 144 channels of information. The signals in the pixels are digitized to 16 bits resolution, each bit corresponding to 3.4 electrons. The internal noise of the VIS detection chain is less than 4.4 electrons in all channels.
For the Euclid Wide Survey, VIS is typically used in a regular observing sequence lasting just over 4200 sec. During this time four nominal duration exposures of 565 sec and two shorter exposures of 100 sec are taken, together with a number of calibration exposures. These are all sequenced with the NISP instrument to maximize Euclid’s observing efficiency. Euclid will make small pointing displacements between the four nominal exposures to ensure that stars falling in the small gaps between the closely butted detectors are exposed with at least three exposures. Approximately 20 of these fields are observed each day. With three exposures per field, it is expected that a signal-to-noise ratio of 10 will be achieved for a source of IE(AB)=26.0 with 92% of flux within a 1.3 arcsec diameter aperture, typical for a distant galaxy. VIS pixels are saturated at ~200 000 electrons, so that the bright limit (for stars) in the nominal exposure is mAB=17.8 and for the short exposure is IE(AB)=16.0.
This means it can separate objects that are only 0.1 AR seconds or about 500 M
apart at a distance of 10 billion light years!

NISP Instrument

The Near Infrared Spectrometer and Photometer NISP observes two different types of data, as the name already implies. Using a single optical system, NISP covers the same field-of-view as VIS, the other instrument onboard Euclid, but in near-infrared (NIR) light between ~950 and 2020nm. NISP creates images with 16 Teledyne “H2RG” detectors, with each 2k by 2k pixels, or about 64 million pixels in total, with a sampling on the sky of 0.3 arcseconds per pixel, at a field of view of 0.57 square degrees for every exposure.
This is somewhat undersampling the diffraction-limited beam of light entering NISP, but the primary goal of NISP is not to create high-resolution images – that’s the purpose of VIS – but to gather spectral information. NISP’s two modes create on one side images through broad-band filters in the YE, JE, and HE band – the “photometric channel” – as an input into calculation of so-called “photometric redshifts”, hence rough distances, of more than a billion galaxies. The other, “spectroscopic channel” is creating NIR spectra with a spectral resolution of >400, which provide very precise distance measurement for a subset of ~50 million galaxies.
NISP receives light from a dichroic beamsplitter that reflects-off visible wavelength light into VIS. With four lenses of different materials the light is projected through optical elements in two wheels, a grism wheel – containing four different dispersing grisms -, and a filter wheel – with three passband filters and a closed position. Any of these 7 science elements or the closed position can be chosen to filter the light, that is then projected onto the detector array. The filters of 130mm diameter, are the largest NIR filters in an astronomical space mission so far.
For calibration of the sensitivity and linearity of each detector pixel an LED-based calibration lamp can shine light onto the detector array, at 5 choosable wavelengths.
NISP will operate its 565s spectroscopic observations in parallel to VIS, followed by 112s-long exposures in each of the YE, JE, and HE photometric bands. Standard wide-survey NISP images will be sensitive to ~24.3mag (AB) point sources at signal-to-noise of 5, and have a bright limit around 16.5mag.
NISP slitless spectroscopic observations will be able to detect Lyman-alpha emission lines across the Universe, out to redshifts of 1.9, when the Universe was only 3.5 billion years old. The power of this mode is the combination of good sensitivity to detect an emission line from even very compact distant galaxies and covering an area corresponding to almost 3x the area of the full moon on the sky in every observation.
In the Euclid Wide Survey, NISP will observe about 10 square degrees every day, covering every 5-6 days an area similar to what the Hubble Space Telescope has covered during its 30+ year lifetime in total.

What can Euclid do that the James Webb Space Telescope cannot?

Where Webb can observe extremely far back in time and zoom into the details, Euclid can go fast and wide. In a single observation Euclid can record the data from an area of the sky more than one hundred times bigger than that imaged by Webb’s camera, NIRCam. This means that Euclid can map a third of the sky to the required sensitivity in six years in space – a feat that would be impossible with Webb.

What will Euclid’s image quality be?

Euclid’s images will be at least four times sharper than those achieved by ground-based sky surveys. In the absence of Earth’s atmosphere, and with optics of the highest quality, the angular resolution of a telescope is determined by the size of its primary mirror. Since Euclid has a smaller primary mirror than the Hubble Space Telescope, it will resolve fewer fine details, but the image quality will be outstanding and the lower resolution will be adequate to achieve its scientific goals. The telescope and its optics are designed to deliver a large field of view and a stable image quality throughout the survey.


Putin is a War Criminal


(zombie) Woof.
Well, I haven't yet cuz the Waxing Crescent set at 8:33pm yesterday and the now First Quarter won't be rising until 12:12pm today... but I have been following bright and beautiful Jupiter (setting now) all week! 😍

And have also been lucky enough to catch Venus (rising) at the same time on the opposite horizon....! (No pics)

Edit: ok, why not?

And here's Venus with a few minutes to go til, yup, you guessed it:

(even tho I imbibed before stroll 2 with a decent sized dab of meat breath live resin before leaving...:smug::tup:)

Edit: I had a buddy back 40 years ago that insisted on calling getting high "worshipping".... or whatever tense of "worship" ... ha, kinda like that (now that I haven't used it or thought about it years)....
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(zombie) Woof.
And Venus rising again (last time for a bit, promise...🤞🏻) with about 1 minute to go...! 🥳:

(don't worry, Jupiter is still in the opposite horizon, but I'll spare you (us)...:razz:)

One rather large injector bowl of Sundae Driver w/the Old Head Terp Hammer and Goo Roo 3-piece w/whip just after the stroll this time...:smug:

This whole earth spinnin' 'round the sun with the planets shit is WILD! :science:🤪
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