I still vote for salt... but thats only cause I have to use it to rid myself of poison ivy every year.... apparently I just cant figure out how to stay out of it.
I could use calamine for weeks and still have it spread but 2 or 3 good abrasive applications of salt paste will have that oil dried right up.
experience has taught me more than online tutorials have when it comes to poisons.
just please dont use bleach or draino or some crazy cleaner.... I got that kinda malicious terrible help when I was a teen and yea... ever had chemical burn and poision sumac at the same time?
they thought it was funny when my testicles swelled but I didnt!
well... people shut up right quick when you threaten to hug them with giant poision sumac or ivy rashes all over!
gimmie a hug you cute little fucker you!
plus you get to look like a badass rubing salt into wounds like yea fuck you... I dont use bandaid... I rub salt in that bitch!...
got any lemon?
edit: if it gets really bad and/or your very alergic... take yourself and your itch to the hospital and get a corticosteroids shot.