Vicki said:I never realized how much of a pain this can be, in more ways than one. Definitely not fun, but definitely off topic. LOL I pulled out my 2700 MaH batteries so I could vap my LB hotter, to get better pain relief.
Has anyone else broken a foot?
willieR said:Initially you want ice to reduce swelling. After the trauma you'd want to go to warmer, to facilitate the fluid moving out of the area. So ice first, then warm. Especially after the cast if off. Some people keep icing for days and days. Ice is for the initial couple of days.
Elevating is such a huge aspect
Nycdeisel said:glad to hear you are going to recover fullywell as longa s you go about it right, elevation and such.
I broke my right ankle, so bad, then had many problems with that ankle afterwards and now it;; probably never be the same as it once was.
Vape up, Vicki, and feel better![]()
momofthegoons said:Can't believe I missed this thread. I'm so sorry to hear about your foot Vicki. I've had my share of orthopedic issues, a broken ankle being one, and I know how painful and irritating the entire experience can be. I'm so glad surgery isn't necessary. Just keep that "storm trooper boot" on as much as possible and stay off your feet when you can.
And of course, vape, vape, and vape some more. Hope you feel better soon!
lwien said:Ya know, besides the pain and shit, the damn inconvenience of taking a shower is what really got me. That and scratching an itch.