I am beyond outraged by the sickness that is in America


Well-Known Member

As said, I am beyond outraged by the reality that in half of the American political scene, this insanity can exist, does exist and is reflected in the highest levels of right-wing America and is tolerated.

This was on a reportedly removed Facebook page. If you doubt the truth of this report, then do the research to prove it wrong. Start here or here

I'll help. This apparently dates originally to 2013, but fits well within the insanity of the reality challenged who won't believe scientists but accept Michael Savage as a prophet.


This is the fruit of the bile of Fox News, Tea Baggers renamed a party, some actual elected Republican Party members and candidates, right-wing talking heads, the racism that is in America, and Republican voters such as those in that outstanding example of success , the Koch-backed business-Republican-governed Kansas.


Singer of songs and a vapor connoisseur
The Republican Party needs to have an off shoot of their party. The two party system seems to be archaic in this day and age. You have the party of reason the Democrats and then this far left party that doesn't think like most Americans which is the Republicans, which aren't in tuned with America. A bunch of old farts who need to get out of office. Also they have some younger members who seem to side with the weird shit that the Tea-baggers believe in. Then you have someone that seems to be sane and is a Republican like Jeb Bush, who I like much better then his crazy war munger brother. You never know about him either. I always vote Democrat anyway.

That kind of crap that was posted above is insane. This racism was fueled by the Tea-party political group. With the internet it seems like everything is fair game. I'm glad this was removed.
This just breeds that evil, ugly sickness of the brain racism.


Well-Known Member
Politics in America is an illusion for we masses to feel that we have some kind of control. The politicians of both sides are hopelessly lost and are puppets to the same masters. The only real power is money and capitol.

Kick back, vape a bowl, and enjoy the insanity because this shit does not matter.

While I agree that the only real power is money and capitol, I think there is a real delineation as to where that money and power comes from and it varies by party so in that sense, I do believe that it does matter especially when it comes to social situations such as gay rights, abortion, MJ legalization, education, race equality, religion, health benefits, science (global warming, etc)....etc etc.

For me, I don't want to see a conservative lead government led by a conservative president...........EVER, and conservatism and the Republicans are now synonymous.
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I'm not the first to say it, but why does it seem that all the nuts are attracted to the Republican Party? Is it their strategy to attract fanatics, or are the fanatical already attracted to them?

I mean, when Bush was president I'm sure there were some outrageous statements made by self-identified liberals, or Democrats, but certainty not to this extreme or at the very least definitely not as often.

Why do people get to drive around with Bush '04, and McCain/Palin bumper stickers and not fear retaliation for it? I would never put a Obama bumper sticker on my car. My friend's Father was actually visiting Tennessee and his Obama sticker was ripped off of his car while he was in a store. Who feel the need to do that?

That's fanatical as all hell. And it seems the Republican party is just a home to fanatics. They have very few moderates.

Ever heard of a Liberal Republican? I'm sure most have heard of a Conservative Democrat though...

It doesn't matter because whatever position you choose or support it is not going to stop the shit from hitting the fan. :shit:

I can understand to an extent, but it just reminds me of people who smoke and say shit like "were all going to die from cancer anyway, so fuck it"

Not voting definitely will not get anything done. The problem with this country is that we all bitch but when it comes time to vote once every two years, well we just cant be hassled. But really, you need to vote in the primary elections as well so that you can have good candidates in the actual elections. So gee, that's like voting twice as much! Such work.. :rolleyes:

Seriously, it's truly sad how few people actually participate in our democratic system. So let's all remember to vote this November! You can always write in a candidate.. just vote!

It would be nice to have more Americans voting for their elected representatives rather than who is going to be the next "American Idol".
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well-worn member
I agree that the republicans are not conservative at all these days. From the rise of the neocons to the advent of the tea party, they are pushing the most radical political agenda in america's history imo. The two-party political process does matter, but mostly to those at the fringes of the economy from the extremely wealthy to the completely disenfranchised. It also matters to the planet.

There's a great book called Don't Think Like an Elephant by George Lakoff that explains why people vote their values and identities, often against their best interests. It's a great book that re-frames the two-party "debate" away from the emotional hooks that have been dominating political discourse, and puts it back into logical terms. Here's a sample of (and links to) the comments from the old edition, and the new edition:

According to Lakoff, most Americans vote their identity and values not their economic self interest.

Conservatives, despite being a minority, are dominating because they understand this. They are winning by putting their values front and center, by controlling the national dialogue by "framing" issues (i.e. calling the estate tax "the death tax,"), through institution building, and by developing overarching strategic initiatives rather than advocating single issues and isolated programs.

Lakoff provides the groundwork for progressives to begin to counter conservatives. Conservatives call for "strong defense," progressives call for a "stronger America;" conservatives say "free market," progressives say "broad prosperity;" conservatives argue for "smaller government," progressives want "effective government;" etc. The book provides the tools for progressives to move the debate -- by addressing people's core American values -- from the divisive arguing that reinforces conservatives' positions to a civil discourse that reinforces progressives' positions.


http://www.amazon.com/ALL-NEW-Dont-Think-Elephant-ebook/dp/B00NP9LHFA/ref=sr_1_2?ie=UTF8&qid=1412531418&sr=8-2&keywords=Don't Think of an Elephant


Well-Known Member
...I thought this was the Ebola thread.

Amen on the BS BrotherSister and thanks for the perfect lead into this next mindset example of the not-nice-non-progressive politico/pundumn (dumb pundit).

"Former executive director of the South Carolina GOP,... Todd Kincannon is proudly pro-life — with one exception, of course, in that he wishes Wendy Davis had been aborted. But he also recognizes that sometimes, in the face of a serious health crisis, you just need to man up and kill everyone who’s been infected or exposed. ... in a series of tweets on Saturday, Todd Kincannon, not satisfied with rightwing prescriptions like travel bans or embargoes on affected nations, literally advocated killing all Ebola patients, and napalming their villages for good measure, too."
Quote source
The disgusting twitter account


Herbal Alchemist
Amen on the BS BrotherSister and thanks for the perfect lead into this next mindset example of the not-nice-non-progressive politico/pundumn (dumb pundit).

"Former executive director of the South Carolina GOP,... Todd Kincannon is proudly pro-life — with one exception, of course, in that he wishes Wendy Davis had been aborted. But he also recognizes that sometimes, in the face of a serious health crisis, you just need to man up and kill everyone who’s been infected or exposed. ... in a series of tweets on Saturday, Todd Kincannon, not satisfied with rightwing prescriptions like travel bans or embargoes on affected nations, literally advocated killing all Ebola patients, and napalming their villages for good measure, too."
Quote source
The disgusting twitter account

Good god what an evil man. :disgust:



incorrectly paraphrased plato quote...here is what was he wrote in republic :

"Good men are unwilling to rule, either for money's sake or for honor.... So they must be forced to consent under threat of penalty.... The heaviest penalty for declining to rule is to be ruled by someone inferior to yourself. That is the fear, I believe, that makes decent people accept power...."

anyways, to me politics is the ultimate social experiment that, over the generations, has changed from a contact sport to spectators only. so, "outrages" like this are likely a side effect to people knowing they have lost their right to be heard so why not be loud and ridiculous? its a show, pick sides and run a flag up the pole. real change starts within and then to those closest to you, start there to make a difference.
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