Hydratube thread to end all threads

Scuba Steve Tokes

Well-Known Member
Hello everyone :wave:

I can’t sleep so I thought I’d make the best hydratube thread ever. If I’m doing something wrong please tell me! I looked for a while but couldn’t find any thread solely discussing hydratubes. I believe that this thread will prove very informative and will help people decide what HT to purchase, or if a HT is right for them. I’m new here and I want to become a good FC member and help others like I have seen so many good people do here.

First let me say I used this forum extensively in my vape research and I’m now the extremely satisfied owner of a robust Plenty and a mesmerizing rich walnut Magic Flight Launch Box with a super trippy golden ratio etching on the glass. If you have figured out how to post pictures I wouldn’t be offended by tasteful shots of your set up, aka vape porn! :evil:

On FuckCombustion I’ve been blown away by the shared kindness and genuine interest in helping others on their journey. If you do not own a HT but feel you have expertise to lend please instead talk about your favorite Wp or dry mouthpiece and why you like it because I think that will add options that people researching hydratubes had not previously considered, for example, a j-hook or mouthpiece like the Ditanium dry mouthpiece. I do ask that you please try to keep your post in the format described below.
To simplify this thread for people who are researching hydratubes and water pipes in general please use the following format:
First post- answer these questions and please do number your answers. I don’t have ocd I swear lol.

  1. The vape you are current using with hydratubes. Also any vapes you have used in the past with hydratubes.
  2. Do you have a hydrabase? If so which design and perc did you choose and which would you choose if that broke?
  3. The hydratubes you have currently or have had previously. If you have multiple what % of the time do you use each and what are their use cases? For example using one for sipping some tasty wax and break out a bigger one for cloud production when vaping flower. When you go into the use case please try to explain why a particular design is better suited for that use- does the perc allow for smoother draws or does the small size not dilute the flavor as much etc.
  4. Do you use any hydratubes without water? If so what percent of the time do you use them dry?
  5. Are there any hydratube alternatives you would suggest? Is there a bubbler or water pipe that you would suggest over a hydratube? Ideas about dry mouthpieces are welcome too!
  6. If you are currently eyeing a HT or WP please share which one and why you have arrived on that particular design.
  7. Any other notes you may have please express them at the end. This is just so people researching can get the info faster. I will be reading everything here thoroughly though so pour your heart out lol.

After your first post please feel free to comment on other posts and debate points so we can bring everything HT into the light. I want readers of this Hydratube Megathread to be able to confidently choose the hydratube/s that will work best for them.
I’ll start so you have an example of the format I’m kind of looking for.

1. Plenty. After my hyrdratube broke i ran a whip to the hydrabase and use the long whip I use for vaping dry with that. I also hook up the MFLB for a quick sesh with water filtration when I just need to dry my beak but don’t want to wake up the Plenty

2. I have a hydrabase with a circ perc. I chose this because I read it is smoother than a tree perc and for some reason I didn’t want an inline perc in not sure if I wanted a more complex one or what. If this breaks I may get a shower head perc model because it looks sooooooo cool.

3. I recently got an incycler+hydrabase from dhgate. I made a hempwick lanyard and wore it around my neck so my dumbass wouldn’t drop it. While I was milking around, brushing out my plenty chamber in front of the workbench the neck of the incycler contacted the vice-grip and it snapped [sad face]. I decided on the incycler originally because the circ perc allows for smoother draws and it doesn’t diffuse the smoke as much so you don’t lose as much potency and flavor. I really enjoyed watching it spin and feeling like a mad scientist lol. The downside was that if I used the dosing capsules, or just the chamber reducer in the plenty the airflow was too restricted for it to function very well without turning red in the face from pulling. I was super happy with my purchase regardless because the flavor was as they say “on point”.

4. I never used my hydratube dry but I hear some people really enjoy using WPs dry. I already ordered an 18mm J-hook and a 14mm to 18mm 45° adapter but neither have arrived yet.

5. I am considering getting a medium sized like 10-14” stereo-matrix WP with a saxophone neck. I would definitely make one of those nifty glass claws to go directly from the 18-14mm male drop down attached to my plenty. I want to get a terp torch so this WP would be perfect for that but I want a HT for my plenty bc I had one and it broke. Also I’m not convinced this WP would perform better much better than a large HT sitting on my hydrabase.

6. I am currently considering 4 and plan to purchase one now and one later as a present to myself. That is if I don’t get that saxy stereo matrix WP I mentioned above.
A. Calyx- I’ve read that it has a very smooth draw and retains flavor well because of its smaller size. When the plenty is stationary with the brush in it sits at at a slight angle and I would always hold the the vape upright and never set it down. the calyx has a lower center of gravity (because it doesn’t have a neck just a slight bend) so I think it might stay on the plenty better allowing me to just set it down between hits.

B. Swagger double tree perc-I call this one Big saxy. I have read that tree percs have a lot of chug and I think that plus the size would equate to a milkier HT? I think it would produce larger hits than the smaller calyx but I’m not sure. The use case for this would be when I vape cbd, I’m in a hurry, or I want to show friends the Plenty hits like a 3-foot bong spitting out silk.

C. Swiss honeycomb- never used a Swiss perc before but It would definitely give me that mad scientist vibe again lol. If y’all say Swiss percs are the best thing since vapes I might have to get this one despite the high diffusion of the honeycomb.

D. Matrix perc and 18mm male joint instead of mouthpiece- don’t know name but I could clip a j-hook on this and it would be pretty legit.

7. My note at the end is that I recently tried cbd and now I exclusively vape a mix of 40-60% thc flower then the rest cbd flower in my plenty. In my mflb I will usually vape a similar mix with some cbd kief mixed in. I also will vape just plain cbd in the mflb which is wonderful for anxiety relief and lifting your mood. I suffer from very intense nerve pain and before I discovered cbd I was vaping .2-.4 of regular flower in a session, 3-5 times a day. Now I use between .2 and .3 heady nugs and the same or a bit more cbd flower and the therapeutic benefit is equal to or greater than just using 1.5x the amount of regular thc flower and no cbd. I really don’t notice that it makes my high much less intense and it is saving me $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$. Only ordered once so far from Apical greens so I don’t know what to expect but I’m about to order from Elli Hou farms to see if they can one up Apical Greens. I will be sure to let you all know how it is on the cbd thread. I did recently give some Apical GDP to a 64 year old family friend (who chain smoked joints back in the day). They mixed it 50/50 with regular flower like I said and presumably smoked a joint but I didn’t ask. They told me they couldn’t tell the difference between a regular joint and a 50/50 mix so there is definitely something to be said for the efficacy.

Thanks in advance for your input! :rockon:

Shit Snacks

Milaana. Lana. LANA. LANAAAA! (TM2/TP80/BAK/FW9)
Nice idea, but I don't know how popular / active it is going to be...

  1. The vape you are current using with hydratubes. Also any vapes you have used in the past with hydratubes.

Started with Cloud Evo of course, got a kit with Evolver HydraTree, since it was old imperfect stock I was able to get two in the end so I kept one when I sold my Evo... Because by then I had my RBT beta Zion back to use it with!

These days though, most anything I'll try, successful and in rotation now: RBT Splinter Z, Tetra P80, Tinymight, Grasshopper+PA, DaVinci IQ2, and HydroBrick (which is how I acquired my Evolver HydraCirc as well, both bought together from a member here)

Still hoping to be able to use it with my Tafée Bowle, if/when they release a proper WPA stem...

  1. Do you have a hydrabase? If so which design and perc did you choose and which would you choose if that broke?

I have the FC-Mod devastator knockoff from steven, gotten before there were dhgate bases, but it does not choose and I have been always thinking about trying to sell it and get a base instead...

  1. The hydratubes you have currently or have had previously. If you have multiple what % of the time do you use each and what are their use cases? For example using one for sipping some tasty wax and break out a bigger one for cloud production when vaping flower. When you go into the use case please try to explain why a particular design is better suited for that use- does the perc allow for smoother draws or does the small size not dilute the flavor as much etc.

Evolver HydraTree, Evolver HydraCirc, Pinnacle WaterTool. I just rotate randomly, mostly they're packed away though honestly....

  1. Do you use any hydratubes without water? If so what percent of the time do you use them dry?

I think I tried it a bit in the past, but no not a long while, that's why I have jayhooks and other dry glass pieces.

  1. Are there any hydratube alternatives you would suggest? Is there a bubbler or water pipe that you would suggest over a hydratube? Ideas about dry mouthpieces are welcome too!

For bubbler I have a simple inline honeycomb rig from kathy on dhgate that has served me well for many years now... Not to mention vapbong /bandit.

Mostly these days I use a variety of dry mouthpieces though: customized right angle jayhook and bent spiked cooler from oregon glass blower, lamart mini j hooks (filled one with rubies) and wrapped whip, plus 508phineas female Vigreux spiked cooling stem from vgoodiez available now... I also am hoping to get a custom heady spiked jayhook from phineas soon!

  1. If you are currently eyeing a HT or WP please share which one and why you have arrived on that particular design.

Recycler maybe?? And the sunshine store, probably, circ perc base...

  1. Any other notes you may have please express them at the end. This is just so people researching can get the info faster. I will be reading everything here thoroughly th

I guess quoting your post above, with the auto numbering, messed it up so the numbers are lost above! Oh well I tried lol


Well-Known Member
Wow, you may not be OCD but maybe you play on on TV! haha joking

Yes, your demand for structured replies may well decrease the amount of feedback you get. Me...I need a break so I'll take the time.

  1. The vape you are current using with hydratubes. Also any vapes you have used in the past with hydratubes.
I only use an HT with an EVO
  1. Do you have a hydrabase? If so which design and perc did you choose and which would you choose if that broke?
No, never saw the need, personally
  1. The hydratubes you have currently or have had previously. If you have multiple what % of the time do you use each and what are their use cases? For example using one for sipping some tasty wax and break out a bigger one for cloud production when vaping flower. When you go into the use case please try to explain why a particular design is better suited for that use- does the perc allow for smoother draws or does the small size not dilute the flavor as much etc.
I only have a Turbine HT and it suits me perfectly. I generally run it dry. I do not like too much diffusion (percolation) but as said I generally run it dry now so this is N/A. As for having multiple HTs with different percs for some specific reason....no, man. Life is way too short.
  1. Do you use any hydratubes without water? If so what percent of the time do you use them dry?
Dry almost always. Fill in the blank on a percentage.
  1. Are there any hydratube alternatives you would suggest? Is there a bubbler or water pipe that you would suggest over a hydratube? Ideas about dry mouthpieces are welcome too!
Suggest for what? I have a number of pieces of glass....but the HT was made/intended for the EVO and that's what I use it for. I do have a VXH straight MP, don't hardly ever use it. I do also have a Calyx but hardly use it. When I do, I run it dry and its more of a sipper than a ripper
  1. If you are currently eyeing a HT or WP please share which one and why you have arrived on that particular design.
Got more shit than I know what to do with right now so not looking at anything
  1. Any other notes you may have please express them at the end. This is just so people researching can get the info faster. I will be reading everything here thoroughly though so pour your heart out lol.
Brother, I do believe you are overthinking this just a bit! haha


Well-Known Member
Hey All!

I've recently gotten the Hydratube bug. My only experience thus far is a little piece of chinaGlass from DHGate.

I use it dry, on top of my Volcano Hybrid/Obsidian Bubbler. The idea was to emulate a bong... and I'm extremely pleased with the results so far.

My question for you all is thus: Have you ever heard of a premium hydratube with a wide mouth/bong type opening like the one I linked above? All I've found are either the same quality - cheap china glass - or a different shape a la vapexhale.

I'm thinking maybe I could commission something, but I'd love to see other products for inspiration first :science: .


Well-Known Member
Accessory Maker
@conanOrien what you want doesn't exist. I spent a good 5 months looking at every corner of the internet for it, including reaching out to people to commission one.

I came up with a way to assemble something kinda like this, but haven't actually built it/proved it out. If you ever find something like that, please let me know.


Hey All!

I've recently gotten the Hydratube bug. My only experience thus far is a little piece of chinaGlass from DHGate.

I use it dry, on top of my Volcano Hybrid/Obsidian Bubbler. The idea was to emulate a bong... and I'm extremely pleased with the results so far.

My question for you all is thus: Have you ever heard of a premium hydratube with a wide mouth/bong type opening like the one I linked above? All I've found are either the same quality - cheap china glass - or a different shape a la vapexhale.

I'm thinking maybe I could commission something, but I'd love to see other products for inspiration first :science: .


Shit Snacks

Milaana. Lana. LANA. LANAAAA! (TM2/TP80/BAK/FW9)
Hey All!

I've recently gotten the Hydratube bug. My only experience thus far is a little piece of chinaGlass from DHGate.

I use it dry, on top of my Volcano Hybrid/Obsidian Bubbler. The idea was to emulate a bong... and I'm extremely pleased with the results so far.

My question for you all is thus: Have you ever heard of a premium hydratube with a wide mouth/bong type opening like the one I linked above? All I've found are either the same quality - cheap china glass - or a different shape a la vapexhale.

I'm thinking maybe I could commission something, but I'd love to see other products for inspiration first :science: .

If you can find the original Pinnacle water tool, it is higher quality than the China knockoffs, at least in my experience with the Sunshine store version...


Well-Known Member
I recently purchased the tsunami premium kit. It has a hydrotube. First experience with one. I really didn't like it. Maybe I didn't give it a good chance, but I really like using the whip and "regular" glass pieces. I will have to try again with a different hydrotube maybe......
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Well-Known Member
@conanOrien what you want doesn't exist. I spent a good 5 months looking at every corner of the internet for it, including reaching out to people to commission one.

I came up with a way to assemble something kinda like this, but haven't actually built it/proved it out. If you ever find something like that, please let me know.
Honestly I'm more than pleased with the current setup... It really rips. I think my next trick would be to try fixing a bong tube with a nice perc and an 18mm female straight onto the Volcano Herb Chamber....

Oh yeah that's the stuff :clap:

If you can find the original Pinnacle water tool, it is higher quality than the China knockoffs, at least in my experience with the Sunshine store version...
Oh so THAT'S why I'm constantly keeping an eye on the classifieds :lol:. At least now I know what I've been looking for!!

Shit Snacks

Milaana. Lana. LANA. LANAAAA! (TM2/TP80/BAK/FW9)
Honestly I'm more than pleased with the current setup... It really rips. I think my next trick would be to try fixing a bong tube with a nice perc and an 18mm female straight onto the Volcano Herb Chamber....

Oh yeah that's the stuff :clap:

Oh so THAT'S why I'm constantly keeping an eye on the classifieds :lol:. At least now I know what I've been looking for!!

Yeah and Sunshine store actually does have a newer version, like the vapexhale standard hydro tube they offer now, the sipper with the tapered mouthpiece... I think 18 female
Shit Snacks,

lauri melissa

Happy Fairy
I got a hydro tube I ordered from AirVape USA for my AirVape X and my Healthy Rips Edge. It has a wide mouth area. I have even stuck a tube on it to use with my V-Tower. Great piece of equipment.
lauri melissa,
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