My area just north of Kennedy airport was spared for the most part, no rain, no loss of power.
At my job on friday I met staff who had lost their entire homes, no loss of life but still all
possesions gone. I know that security is an illusion , but when that illusion is stripped away, reality can be a real bitch. The gas lines around here- Queens- are frightening eventhough calm for the
most part.
I'm torn about the Marathon... people have trained and sacrificed for years to compete. I do
think that stopping the event is the right thing to do in light of all of the destruction with people
still without power or heat.
It's amazing that even with proper prep. FEMA and the RED Cross are so slow at getting assistance
to those in need.
Thanx for all the kind thoughts and prayers, they really helped this vaporist get through a scary