I have the MB and a dose for me is 2 tablespoons if I want to be wrecked. About one tablespoon to get a good night sleep and help with pain. A capsule wouldn't be enough for me, anyway what I make. We all have different tolerances.
The last batch I used 2 oz maybe a bit more of bud high quality and 1 oz of abv. I put mine through 3 cycles to make sure I got all the goodies out. About 20 oz coconut oil. That would have been 3 two hour cycles so a total of 6 hours. Anything more doesn't make a difference.
I let mine set for 1 hour, so the sludge goes to the bottom. Then strain, most of the sludge stays at the bottom of the pot so leave that there. I keep my sludge and heat it up in a bag then put my foot inside, it soothes the arthritic feet, and makes my feet so soft because there is oil left behind. Eventually I throw the sludge away.
I think going about slowly to see what doseage would be good for you. Do this when you don't need to drive or do anything important. At night is a good time to experiment, then you can just go to sleep if you use too much. Maybe a night when you aren't working the next day. I've had cannabis hangovers where I'm too tired the next morning with a very dry mouth. It takes hours to feel normal again.
Good luck and keep trying. It can be expensive. Don't throw out your sludge before you know it turned out. You can always put the sludge and oil back in the MB and do a couple more cycles and add more decarbed cannabis.
I don't know about the CBN I just wanted to make sure I got all the goodies out. It's potent enough for me and I need a little more than 100 mg THC to work for medicine.
No wonder it knocks me out. I mainly use this at night anyway. I made some banana bread with this oil and it was awesome.
What Are The Benefits Of Cannabinol (CBN)?
Cannabis is widely used as a sleep-aid for those who suffer from insomnia and cannabinol is the reason why. By all accounts, CBN is the cannabinoid responsible for the sedative effects of cannabis. Because of this, I tend to reserve high-CBN strains for night use.