How well would a Battletoads movie do in box office?

2 Cycle

Well-Known Member
Let's say it is semi serious but rediculous. Think ninja turtles but vulgar with pretty heavy violence. Maybe have close ups of the evil ninja and those pig looking things getting mashed apart by huge fists and spiked boots. Our heroes Zitz, Pimple, and Rash would vape and be pretty cool bros. Would people go see this?
2 Cycle,
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Vape Wizard
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Nope. But absolutely open to rental or borrowing from someone.

However, if Zitz, Pimple, and Rash happen to live in Butt Alley, all bets are off! :uhoh:


I have little doubt it would be anything but a failure at the box office... however it may do well viral, see how many hits you can get an monetize the video with advertisements.
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