How unique is FC?


Well-Known Member
As a vaporizer love I doubt any of us can argue that FC is the greatest wealth of information! Unparalleled in scope, it truly is amazing. Now I have a few hobbys and over the years been on different forums for them. Hunting, dirt bikes, body boarding all the usual hobbies you'd assume would have countless message boards. The thing is I have never come across a board with the same set up as this. The way things are documented in their own multipage threads. For example the last rifle I bought, weatherby MKV5 in .300 wby. The price of this rifle here, and the general legal headache of trying any firearm before you buy it means that most things you go off come from forums. Reading through countless threads on countless forums hoping for a glimpse of info on the specific item I was looking for.
Now go to my latest vaporizer, VG. Saw it thought gee that looks cool, look on fc 70 something pages of info and everything I could need to know!
This is the first message board I have used in a couple years I guess, so my question is is this the common set up? I look at reddit reddits and they certainly can be helpful but a lot of sifting is needed to find what you want but no other board I have seen is indexed like an encyclopaedia of real world human information and opinion on such specific topics like this. It certainly is a top notch fourm format!


Authorized Buyer
It works pretty well, better in some situations than others. Some of the threads are so insanely long, like the Persei one at 1200+ pages and 30,000+ posts, that actually getting through them takes weeks. The Grasshopper thread has been split and archived a number of times, but it's still growing, and nobody is quite sure if the product has been fully released or not.

But that's just the way it goes with popular vapes. The vaporpedia articles are awesome for just giving the facts, without all the fluff (that I'm as guilty of as anyone). The resources section might turn into something wonderful also.

Also, having a place like the Lounge is a great way to let off-topic posting exist without clogging up the main threads.


Well-Known Member
Yes obviously the sheer volume of Info can be overwealhming and I myself am someone who likes to talk in long winded circles with more opinion and thought than fact so it's hard for me at times. I also speak and type very candidly and colourfully out of professional situations :/ I'm Aussie so it happens! But keeping it on track certainly helps FC overall. As long as this serve stays up I don't see anything else topping it as far as vaping goes. Anyone members of message boards for other hobbies that have a similar feel?


Yes obviously the sheer volume of Info can be overwealhming and I myself am someone who likes to talk in long winded circles with more opinion and thought than fact so it's hard for me at times. I also speak and type very candidly and colourfully out of professional situations :/ I'm Aussie so it happens! But keeping it on track certainly helps FC overall. As long as this serve stays up I don't see anything else topping it as far as vaping goes. Anyone members of message boards for other hobbies that have a similar feel?
Yeah, I help moderate a large internet forum (42k users on said site while I type this) as well as being a member of other niche and not-so-niche forums. Part of the reason I think this forum is a cut above is that the "be nice" rule is enforced pretty well. There's definitely some banter, sometimes between users, sometimes users vs manufacturers, but the vast majority of it is... "mature arguing" basically. Facts weigh heavier here than other places.

We're lucky enough to have people from all walks of life from end-users to manufacturers and electrical/chemical engineers and other very well-learned folks contribute. We're also (un)surprisingly welcoming of new members. I'm sure the "be nice" rule has a lot to do with it but something I've noticed. Some other cannabis-related websites or niche websites aren't as forgiving and sometimes older members will see newbies as beneath them or as outsiders and will be hostile, they'll throw their post count or profile age around like it's the be-all-end-all for arguments. I mean yeah we do the same thing sometimes when you get a weird post from an account with 1 or 2 posts registered 5 minutes ago, but only because shilling is an occasional problem and none of us want each other to be taken advantage of.

The whole "this is how it's always been" argument isn't always the best one but in this case it works out. Everybody was kind to me when I was new and had new people questions and I felt welcomed, people didn't talk down to me because I had a Launch Box and not a brand new in-box Volcano, and they gave me answers or pointed me in the right direction. I learned for free and people weren't dicks about it, why would I be a dick to somebody that's in the position I was before?

And yeah, being able to talk casually instead of having to dissect every sentence before posting is pretty fuckin' nice, huh? ;)


Singer of songs and a vapor connoisseur
I think most folks on the forum are real and not a bunch of phonies. If there is a phony folks pick it up right away. Facts do weigh heavy here. Most of the folks usually know what they are talking about and know the right questions to ask. I think the "Be Nice" rule is essential for keeping peace. With having mods that don't put up with any BS :whip:the community usually stays in pretty good harmony.:cheers:

So many nice folks that are usually there with a kind word or a solution to the problem.

I have stayed away from other social media groups online because of how people treat each other. I lurked a long time before I officially joined. I wanted to make sure this was the right place for me. As a friend of mine said once, "you found your people". I told her, yes I have.:love:


Dharma Initiate
I've been a part of various niche forums, and while the single thread is not a unique thing, the welcoming of new members and general acceptance is.

Any other forum I frequent (one in particular) has an "old boys club" mentality for a lack of a better term. They assume you're an idiot, until you prove otherwise.

For example, just checked while writing this:

Someone new asked for advice in regards to applying for a TV show, they didn't do any research, but they're a new(er) user (few months) and just asking for some general advice, the responses are as follows:

- "Shoot a puppy and you'll have X podcast's backing" (references an obscure event, no answer to question)

- "If you want to be on the show, maybe do a little research? You sound boring based on your post" (Non Answer, passive insult)

- "See the sticky at the top, this has been answered already countless times" (Psuedo Answer)

- "Are you sure?" (Bolded a part of the OP's question where he said he was kind hearted, non answer)

- "Since you're looking for advice, you might want to spell and punctuate correctly, they do cast idiots, but not that often." (Non Answer, Insult)

And, this is considered the norm, and perfectly acceptable. No one is going to get a warning or a "point", because that is just how the site operates.

So FC at least in my experience, is unique in that regard that they are much friendlier than other niche forums I have frequented. Much like @Quetzalcoatl , I came here to ask questions, and I was always answered respectfully and with good info; I only find that I should respond the same way to other people who were once in my shoes.


Well-Known Member
Yes the be nice rule does seem to be the key, I alove a bit of shit talking and trolling but when trying to keep it on topic there is no need. Works much easier this way.


Well-Known Member
I think people are a lot more accepting and less fan boying here. I think a lot of fourm fighting comes from the fact that if you drop good money on an item people like to convince themselves and others it's a good buy. Where as here people know when they have had a shocking purchase they will open up about it to help others. Also got to love the fact vaping is relatively cheap hobby! Can't go put down 8k on a new dirt bike to let an internet community know what you think of it!
FC to me is half the fun of vaping! Same as any hobby, I won't hunt and rarely ride on my own. Not many around my parts are into vaping so a mature community you can discuss it with is good!
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