Sapphire Powered Dabstronaut.
Apologies for the double post (Mods please merge if desired) but I'm past my window of being able to edit.
Goods news: It's free! (my dropdown stuck in adaptor)
More importantly, how I did it: Using clothespins as a minor variation on using wood shims to wedge the connection apart.
I had envisioned using a wooden clothespin as an expansion wedge.
Pin it shut and place the closed handles of the clothespin in between the top edge of the dropdown and the top of adaptor; take 3-4 spaced around the joint and lightly heat and "SPROING!!!" off pops the adaptor.
In actual practice I took the hot-from-enail-dabbing dropdown and tried to wedge in the clothespins, but the tolerance was tight and I couldn't get them to stay in w/o the clothespins popping out.
But I went all around the joint putting the closed clothespin into the available gap and letting snap apart/out.
Then took a tight, all around grip on the little low-profile adaptor and twisted it right off!
Wouldn't budge yesterday when I tried light torching and twisting.
Very happy, now that drop-down can go back to the rig it was blown for.

Goods news: It's free! (my dropdown stuck in adaptor)
More importantly, how I did it: Using clothespins as a minor variation on using wood shims to wedge the connection apart.
I had envisioned using a wooden clothespin as an expansion wedge.
Pin it shut and place the closed handles of the clothespin in between the top edge of the dropdown and the top of adaptor; take 3-4 spaced around the joint and lightly heat and "SPROING!!!" off pops the adaptor.
In actual practice I took the hot-from-enail-dabbing dropdown and tried to wedge in the clothespins, but the tolerance was tight and I couldn't get them to stay in w/o the clothespins popping out.
But I went all around the joint putting the closed clothespin into the available gap and letting snap apart/out.
Then took a tight, all around grip on the little low-profile adaptor and twisted it right off!
Wouldn't budge yesterday when I tried light torching and twisting.
Very happy, now that drop-down can go back to the rig it was blown for.