How to clean vape parts and reclaim resin


My method for recovery works pretty simply and effectively... I have 2 jars of ISO 99%... I vape so what I do is when my cartridge is about 10% left i open the cartridge and soak it in a small bottle of Alcohol... after a couple hours I take it out and put it in another larger jar of 99% ISO for an hour to take any last resins out... If necessary I use a syringe and a blunt needle to squirt alcohol into and through my equipment... When the smaller jar gets very dark and won't dissolve more resins I evaporate it down and end up with a good amount of vape juice... then I replace the small jar with alcohol from the larger jar... All your equipment comes really clean and you waste 0% of vapy goodness... I assume this method would also work for other consumable methods as well.... Last time I did an evap I got 7 ml of vape oil...


New Member
I’m somewhat new to vaping. I used to combust out of my bong for most of my high time.

I’m interested in reclaiming resin. I have a Pax 3. Will that produce enough to reclaim? Do I just push out the resin/oil from the airflow tube? Should I just follow the process with ISO discussed from the OG-OP?

This may have already been addressed; I’m going through and reading the thread, but I’m only in 2012, so figured I would ask.

Thanks for any help! And thank you to everyone for their knowledge which has saved me so much time!


Anyone have any suggestions as what use to lube the "O" rings on all these different atomizers?


Well-Known Member
I would really like to find something that can act like a good squeegee for my stems to just push the reclaim through where it can be gathered up afterwards nice and easy without worrying about solvents.

I still haven’t found that perfect tool. I would prefer something made of silicone.


Just a dude
Anyone have any suggestions as what use to lube the "O" rings on all these different atomizers?
The dynawax or any of those are usually beeswax & mineral oil. But you can use chapstick or burt’s bees, lots of things along those lines will help keep your o-rings in good condition.

EDIT: Didn’t see @Roth had answered you, not sure how I missed it...:smug: He’s smart.


Well-Known Member
Hi all,

I realise that this thread has not been active in close to a year, but I have a question about reclaim, and this seems to be the right place to ask.

I "bath" all of my vaping equipment (dosing caps, screens, Mighty cooling units, dynavaps, SLX grinder) in ISO, sometimes for a day if it's not plastic, and I have been re-suing this iso until it turned pretty dark.

From there I evaporated it, took it to the freezer, and then scrapped this brittle dark bits that would start to liquify and before before sticky as they reached room temp. I collected it all in a container, left open in a dark place for a day, took it to the freezer again, and it's now in the fridge.

Considering that the iso was also in contract with metal (aluminium), plastic (from the might CU) and ceramic (coating from the SLX), what is the likelihood that I've picked up nasties in my dark molasses-like looking glob? Is it safe to use, or inly when collected from strictly glass parts?

Thanks for your advice!
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I am the first to admit, I don't know s__t about ISO. I just wouldn't really want to consume it, in anyway. That's just me. I clean my Vapcap parts in "Everclear". Grain alcohol, 190 proof I can drink it with no ill effects, (except gets me drunk real fast.). If it's not dark enough I let it thicken for a few days. I use as a tincture, make a kick a__ drink, use in coffee. It's all good. This doesn't answer your question, sorry bout that, but I don't know if it would harm you. I hope not. good luck. Doc


Well-Known Member
Hey yall. I'm looking for a stash bag (to hold my vapes, stash jars, etc.) and I'm struggling out here. All smell proof bags are SUPER tiny and ridiculously priced. What do you guys use?
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Well-Known Member
I tried searching but didn't see anything specifically about cleaning balls/beads. I have some 3mm rubies I've been using for cooling in stems, kind of want to clean them before moving them between devices. Is this crazy? Anything I should be wary of? Only thing I've actually done so far was soak in warm water and then dry on a paper towel.


Active Member
Accessory Maker
You will find much better luck soaking in ISO.

Cleaning is awesome... but who is chasing reclaim/resin anymore? Haven't had to chase that shit in decades, since getting a job after school...
HA I actually saw this thread, and then looked at the OG post date and came here to ask this exact thing… we still reclaiming in 2023 FC?!?:lol:


AVB Inspector
HA I actually saw this thread, and then looked at the OG post date and came here to ask this exact thing… we still reclaiming in 2023 FC?!?:lol:
Yes, I am. I'm unable to earn much money due to various health conditions so every little helps. I also make edibles from avb to help me sleep.
I actually get a buzz from using every last drop that the blessed plant can provide. We're all different and have different needs.


Well-Known Member
I never dared to dab with reclaim but after a while vaping I started trying to minimize reclaim occurring from scorched plant matter. My goal is to obtain a rather clear and bright condensate to make stem milk without the need of heavy filtration - This milk shows strong effects, is okay in taste and because it cleans most parts I consider this two birds with one stone.

What I do is, when having a glass stem or cooling unit vaporizer, I use the most finest pipe screen I can make fit without blocking air path and brush it every single time after use. Making stem milk then with a little dash of coconut oil cleans everything very fast. I use a thermometer and try to stay around 60°celsius to avoid the proteins clot to much. I use common hot chocolate with plenty lecithin in it to fine tune it and adjust taste after I strained it if needed through a very coars cheese cloth or just a kitchen towel I rinsed in boiling hot water before. While doing my drink I let soak all parts in hot water with a tiny amount of dish washer agent/powder/tab, this dissolves any parts of protein that may clotted. Rinse again with hot water and done, most of the time I only need Iso for the screens and stir tools.

I also make edibles from avb to help me sleep.
Would you share your recipe with me, maybe via DM to prevent off topic?


Well-Known Member
ultrasonic cleaner. no salt or anything needed. Will clean resin off just about anything within a few minutes.

do a dry off then I do a 250F hair straightening on parchment paper to decard/get out any iso left over and it work nicely.


Well-Known Member
In my case I live on a place where good concentrates only exist if you make them, and also grow my own, so saving the reclaim for a special moment and being ultra high on that is very much expected.

I have a very conservative calculation done on my stems after the usages I do and they should hold between 50 and 100 ug of THC, that's a lot to waste! Always do hot milk, boiling until the junk is unstuck and then rinse with warm water, dry with a paper towel and ready to go back into the vape.

As soon as I take the glass of the milk, fully boiling, I pour it on a cup with some nesquik (or better quality) chocolate, that already has some lecithin. I rinse the initial hot container with some cold milk, just in case there is some leftover, and that I use to cool my hot chocolate so I can drink it ASAP.

el sargantano

Well-Known Member
ultrasonic cleaner. no salt or anything needed. Will clean resin off just about anything within a few minutes.

do a dry off then I do a 250F hair straightening on parchment paper to decard/get out any iso left over and it work nicely.
I guess your ultrasonic runs on water, isnt it?
el sargantano,
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Well-Known Member
"iso left over" isopropil on the ultrasonic?
i put it in a container and sit it in the ultrasonic cleaner.

my reclaim is never super strong though, I can eat a gram and it doesn't get me anywhere? I never have done edibles but I decarb it even though it is suppose to be decarb already. Guessing my herb isn't that strong? idk..

If I add it to a bowl, it gives a ton of vapor as if it was hash so it is worth that.
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