Note that many places, even in the US, charge concentrates [rosin] as a felony versus a misdemeanor for flower.
That's interesting! Well, at least if you're not the one to get caught

Do you now why it's treated differently? Does it mean that those same state consider hashish a felony too as it's some kind of concentrate ?
In Switzerland, the law use the words "stupéfiants ayant des effets de type cannabique" which translate as "narcotic having cannabic effects",
Dix grammes de stupéfiants ayant des effets de type cannabique sont considérés comme une quantité minime.
=> 10g of narcotics with cannabic effect are considered a minimal amount
I'm no lawyer, but it pleases me to interpret that as "having 10g of +80% cannabis concentrate is ok"

And anyway, around here, not a lot of people know about concentrates and I don't think it's a matter of great attention from drug enforcement right now.
But the truth is I have no idea how it would be considered in neighboring countries...