It depends how much I'm working and what I'm doing. I always shower before I go out to something social. On my own time if it's the hot months then I shower 1-2X a day; but as mentioned by
@natural farmer I try not to shampoo or soap too much to avoid overly drying out my scalp and skin. If I give myself a good scrub the night after a hot day of work then the next morning "shower" is just a ritual quick rinse to wake me up.
If it's winter then I shower every second day; Monday, Wed, Fri. I play the weekend by ear depending on my activities. If I'm at home working or doing chores I might not shower Sat or Sun; live in a rural area so no one is going to come by and complain.
The days I don't shower I give myself a pat down with a washcloth though, just kind of wipe away any of that odor/deodorant build up. I change my underwear and socks every day; sometimes 2x a day if you count changing into home clothes after work. Oh and I brush and floss at least once every day

! Yeah I know dentists say after every meal or whatever but I'm forgetful.. I try at least
