How often do you: Change your bong water / Clean your bong thoroughly?

How often do you: Change your bong water / Clean your bong thoroughly? (Choose 1 for each group)

  • Full Clean: Everyday

  • Full Clean: Twice a week

  • Full Clean: Once a Week

  • Full Clean: Once every two weeks

  • Full Clean: Once a month

  • Full Clean: Less than Once a month

  • Water change: Every session

  • Water change: Every several sessions

  • Water change: Every week

  • Water change: Whenever it gets visibly dirty and/or tastes bad (greater than a week)

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Well-Known Member
:disgust: When I was a kid, I changed my bong water after taking one hits for about 2 months. I believed it would get you higher if you smoked through dirty bong water. When I was dry, I would screen my bong water through an old t-shirt, dry it, and smoke it again. Lol I would gladly trade all this premium bud, shatter, wax and high price glass for my Columbian gold, my 3' pvc homemade bong, and the 70's back.
I hope that's a sarcastic comment.. if not..blehhh


Well-Known Member
I agree with bringing the 70's back... but not the rest of what you said. I seriously doubt the bud was better then,maybe different but certainly not better.


special like everyone else
PBW cleaner with hot soak every few days. Then fill with distilled H2O, and cranberry drops. With no combustion, it's always clean enough for me to enjoy unadulterated dabs. If I omit any of the mentioned factors, clear glass is significantly harder to maintain.

After day 4 or so, it smells of mulched greens... I like the taste of concentrates too much to let it go that long often. And the hits are especially "feathery" when the H2O/cran is fresh (stacks easier).


Downward spiral
Nectar Collector cleaned out daily with iso and sea salt. Water gets changed a few times a day.
I agree with the poster who mentioned treating glass pieces like dishes, you wouldn't eat off dirty dishes or use dirty glasses to drink out.
When combusting, I never really dug bongs, because most people I smoked with were like Jeppy and his 2 month old water-in-bong, which just tasted absolutely nasty to me, gross. Ugh, blech!!
No offense to you dirty fucks out there, this isn't a knock on you personally, just yer filthy habits lol.


Well-Known Member
Lmao! Yea, the water being yellow or brown, is disgusting.

Keeping a cup of coarse sea salt, a bottle of high concentrated ISO, and a hand towel handy makes keeping your piece sparkling clean and odor free so easy.

That's all without even considering the fact that clean pieces function so much better than dirty ones in terms of bubble diffusion and stacking. Oily walls and water changes the surface tension of the bubbles and can even cause them to start rising a couple inches higher than normal if enough buildup is allowed to form. It doesn't take very much either.

Also, if you wouldn't add a pinch of avb to your fresh loads to make your stash last longer, because it will make it taste crappy, then why put it through glass that will do the exact same thing.


Pure Vaporist
The 70s were the
  • pre-sensimmillia,
  • stems and seeds included,
  • sold by the finger days
correction: the 60's were pre-sensimillia. It was first discovered after the first cannabis cafe was intentionally burnt down in Amsterdam. In the 70's. The owner then flew to SF to visit a friend, where he discovered brilliant stoners growing Sense. He then took the Cali technology back to Amsterdam. These are facts as told to me by the first MD to give a recommendation for MMJ in CA, Todd Mikuriya.


New Member
so... for my dab rigs i change the water probably twice a week, more if i feel like having a different water level for some reason (pulled some through from a precooler etc). for flowers I change the water and paper towl the (single wall) bowl clean after every bowl. As for actual cleaning, I use F420 whenever there gets to be enough globs on the side that I can't stand it... usually once every week-2 weeks more if there's a lot of friends coming over day after day


Well-Known Member
Picked up a bottle of Natures Answer Cranberry Extract (Alcohol Free). Testing with 3-4 drops in a stereo matrix. The water is still pretty clear which tbh, is a plus for me. I like the clear look better than pink water.

It was $10 and has 280x3 drop servings (a water change). $0.04 per water change is definitely worth not having to salt/iso shake every day to keep the piece shining.
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Well-Known Member
Update: 3 drops seems like it does a great job keeping the can/percs, and most of the neck clean and shiny. The only part that still gets cloudy from condensation of the vapor, is the top of the neck, and the joint that doesn't get touched by water during the draw. A quick scrubbing with a toothbrush, during the hot water rinse, gets it nice and shiny again. A very faint layer of cloudiness was forming on the inside of the can, but it was only visible if you held it to the light at the right angle. It didn't smell, or affect taste, and the bubble stacking was still great. Gave the first iso and salt shake today since Thursday. Definitely a cool/useful science-y product.
Will be using it in all pieces from now on, for it's ability to keep everything including the percs, shiny as new for sessions without any chemical cleaning.

No need to put so much that the water turns pink.


Glass Psycho
Update: 3 drops seems like it does a great job keeping the can/percs, and most of the neck clean and shiny. The only part that still gets cloudy from condensation of the vapor, is the top of the neck, and the joint that doesn't get touched by water during the draw. A quick scrubbing with a toothbrush, during the hot water rinse, gets it nice and shiny again. A very faint layer of cloudiness was forming on the inside of the can, but it was only visible if you held it to the light at the right angle. It didn't smell, or affect taste, and the bubble stacking was still great. Gave the first iso and salt shake today since Thursday. Definitely a cool/useful science-y product.
Will be using it in all pieces from now on, for it's ability to keep everything including the percs, shiny as new for sessions without any chemical cleaning.

No need to put so much that the water turns pink.
Just bought a bottle from the amazon link you posted. How will this work with my oil piece? Will it prevent reclaim from forming on the sides? If so then isn't it also maximizing your dab?


Well-Known Member
Just bought a bottle from the amazon link you posted. How will this work with my oil piece? Will it prevent reclaim from forming on the sides? If so then isn't it also maximizing your dab?
I don't dab, but it should work the same way. I do think it makes sense that it would increase the potency of the hits due to preventing reclaim formation.
It should definitely help keep your piece shiny all the time.

Start with 2-3 drops, and do some water pulls to mix it up thouroughly, and get it on all the glass surfaces.
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Glass Psycho
I don't dab, but it should work the same way. I do think it makes sense that it would increase the potency of the hits due to preventing reclaim formation.
It should definitely help keep your piece shiny all the time.

Start with 2-3 drops, and do some water pulls to mix it up thouroughly, and get it on all the glass surfaces.
Alright thanks. I posted the same question in the rezblock thread. I don't think I'll need more than two drops in the double barrel recycler though right? The stereo matrix is a lot larger.


Well-Known Member
Alright thanks. I posted the same question in the rezblock thread. I don't think I'll need more than two drops in the double barrel recycler though right? The stereo matrix is a lot larger.

Yea, I would start with 2 drops, and see how that works for you. You shouldn't need more for herbs, but for dabs, depending on how much you use, you might. I don't really think so tho.

If you plan on vaporizing between now and the time the bottle arrives, you should take a pic of a freshly cleaned piece, use it for a few sessions with only hot water rinses in between, and then take a pic before cleaning it again when the extract comes. Then repeat with 2 drops of extract added right before use after each water change.

I'd still recommend an iso/salt wash once or twice a week, for anti-microbial purposes, even if the piece looks clean with the extract use. It is supposed to help with that too apparently as long as you get good hot water rinses (which is why it is good for UTI's [prevents bacteria from sticking to you/things]), but for the parts that don't get wet, and for the water/humidity in the piece between uses, the iso and salt is a good disinfectant.
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Glass Psycho
Yea, I would start with 2 drops, and see how that works for you. You shouldn't need more for herbs, but for dabs, depending on how much you use, you might. I don't really think so tho.

If you plan on vaporizing between now and the time the bottle arrives, you should take a pic of a freshly cleaned piece, use it for a few sessions with only hot water rinses in between, and then take a pic before cleaning it again when the extract comes. Then repeat with 2 drops of extract added right before use after each water change.
I'm heading to Israel tomorrow morning and won't be back till the 1st. I would get my girl to take the pic but she doesn't vape as much as me. I will probably experiment a week without the extract and change the water every day like I normally do.


Well-Known Member
I'm heading to Israel tomorrow morning and won't be back till the 1st. I would get my girl to take the pic but she doesn't vape as much as me. I will probably experiment a week without the extract and change the water every day like I normally do.

You should post some pics here if you do.
Also i edited into my last post
I'd still recommend an iso/salt wash once or twice a week, for anti-microbial purposes, even if the piece looks clean with the extract use. It is supposed to help with that too apparently as long as you get good hot water rinses (which is why it is good for UTI's [prevents bacteria from sticking to you/things]), but for the parts that don't get wet, and for the water/humidity in the piece between uses, the iso and salt is a good disinfectant.
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Well-Known Member

I usually iso wash every two days. I was just going to wait a week to really see the difference. But I didn't realize the other purpose than cleaning the Iso does. Don't want any bacteria!

Yea, a few days without iso is definitely no problem in terms of keeping the glass shiny and resin free when using some extract in the water, but a quick iso rinse here and there always good for sterilization.

Also, don't let your used water/extract sit in the piece more for too long. IN higher humidity places, people have reported getting bacterial growth in it in several hours, but in most places, it should be able to last a good deal longer than that (nothing happened overnight from a night session to the morning), but I'd still recommend rinsing it out and replacing it every use. It only costs a couple cents anyway, and keeps the piece from smelling, that way.

Basically, don't add the extract until right before use of that piece, and you should be fine.
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