How much cannabis do we vape in a day.

How much weed do we all vape in a day.

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Big and Bouncy
How much we do we all vape/smoke in here?
Just curious as Im a long term user, but have always tried to maintain my tolerance through micro dosing.
I use about half a gram a day, but im trying to get it lower.
I'd say I'm about exactly the same. Also trying to reduce and implement t-breaks.


Well-Known Member
Cool, thanks for hitting up the poll friends.
Im trying to get myself to the 0.25/gram per day, but it's not easy at my tolerance level.
I have been using tinctures lately, and on those days I dont need to vape much, but for me, it does not replace the pleasure of vaping.


Well-Known Member
I voted “Less than 0.1 g” even though I’m likely up to 0.15 or even 0.2 on some days … but certainly not as high (heh) as a whole half gram in a day! I have no idea what my tolerance is compared to anyone else, but I would attribute my low usage to long, slow temp-stepping “sessions” that typically last several hours. I usually finish up the evening realizing: “Nope, I really don’t need any more than that!” Sometimes that still comes with some some pretty dramatic effects—I’ve never had full-blown visual hallucinations, but I have had some broadly “visual” closed-eye experiences, or found myself overcome by vogue-ish physical movements, or rearranging instrumentation on music that I suddenly realize I’m only hearing in my head. :lol::rolleyes:

But note that I also don’t have any specific medical conditions, or pain, or any diagnosed issues like anxiety, etc., as quite a few people vaping likely do. So I readily admit that I am lucky in that regard, specifically in that I don’t need regular sessions for reasons like those (knock on wood).


I am the beetle in a box that only you can see
When I first started vaping I was transitioning from spliffs, so dosing capsules of 0.1 seemed a reasonable substitute and I was easily using half a gram a day. T breaks meant night sweats, vivid dreams etc

Three years later my tolerance is now comedically low, and a .05 in a Vapman will see me nicely lifted for a good hour or so and even with a couple bowls on an evening, I'm still getting REM sleep and no withdrawals. If I use traditional hash, I'm using even less.

Some recent attempts to kick off the weekend with a Dani Fusion (0.15?) have led to some pretty intense green outs (trippy in a time bendy, closed eye visuals, questioning the nature of my reality kind of way) to the extent I'm now wary of extracting too fast with any of my devices.

Maybe I'm getting old.
I sit up to and around 1g a day, CBD hemp included, depending on my pain levels. Using the basket bowl on my Herborizer is good for keeping my dosage closer to .5 than the full gram (around 0.07g per basket), but I do love breaking out the full bowl on the weekend (anywhere up to 0.4g :whoa:!) especially with some tasty homegrown:nod:.


Well-Known Member
I try to keep below .5g per day but lately it's been more like .75-1 some days.
I would attribute my low usage to long, slow temp-stepping “sessions” that typically last several hours.
I'm sorta similar, I love a quick jolt from the ZX but my normal mode is a small session of hits from a Vapman, Lotus, Brick, DV, log, etc. It's sort of easy to manage ~.1 loads, the challenge is remembering to count them. ; )
I weighed my 'usual grinder load' recently; it came out to about 1g.

At the beginning, one larger nug would last a day. Now I sometimes use the grinder 2x / day, but only occasionally. Most of my consumption is at 0.1g at a time (also measured). So, between 1-2g / day, total. This has been stable for the last few months.

For me, decreased effects lead me to decreased usage; it gets boring (!) loading up clean hardware for little effect. So I wind up doing a period of decreased (or even 'no') usage for a few days. Right as rain, afterward. All about being in tune with your body / mind, I suppose.

When I relayed my usage to my doc, after using weed for a year... he didn't even bat an eyelash. The improvements, as I relayed them, were readily apparent to him (I suffer from multiple treatment-resistant depression / anxiety). And losing another 20-ish pounds over the year also helps 'sell' the benefits (doctors are always after patients to lose excess weight).

Radwin Bodnic

Well-Known Member
Accessory Maker
I don't vape every day and I regularly take t-breaks. So I don't know how all of you can handle these amounts without being locked in the couch.

My weed is usually good and well aged but almost only outdoor so not as strong as what you call "top shelf" in the US (we call it Amsterdam in the EU). Yet a single basket bowl with the herbo Ti will get me too high to be productive for at least 20 minutes... :lol:
I can't even finish a full sieve of blonde hash in the vapman ! :rofl:

The Vaponic Bowl (small nug, not ground) I find enjoyable during the day, uplifting and productive high, even euphoric depending on the material.


Well-Known Member
It's funny how the two extremes have the highest number of votes so far at 30% each.
I wonder what percentage of the >.1 are occasional, non-daily vapers versus dedicated microdosers who vape every day at precisely controlled levels. My buddy uses his DDave Dynavap kit every day, scooping a miniscule amount (maybe a quarter or third of a DV bowl?) into the bowl with the scraper. Some days one's enough. He's been doing this since ~2019, but he's been daily since...'76? Otherwise most of my friends and family are occasional so I'm sure their usage looks modest.
I don't vape every day and I regularly take t-breaks. So I don't know how all of you can handle these amounts without being locked in the couch.
Daily (repeated) usage takes a toll on tolerance, even if the aggregate amount consumed is small.

Some never learn to stop 'chasing the dragon'. Most of us are probably guilty of doing this from time to time, even after learning our own therapeutic levels. It's euphoric. Enough said.

When I returned to weed a year ago (after ~ 20yrs), the first couple of months were 'dissociative' highs, where I'd be utterly incapacitated. After that passed (due to receptors becoming flooded), I learned to recognize what my therapeutic level was, and that moderating use to that level (and maintaining it via 'riding the wave') would provide the needed relief, while increasing tolerance very slowly. And that's where I've been for the last six months or so. I expect it will change over time, and I'll need to adapt, accordingly.


Well-Known Member
It's hard to pick one for me, on most weekdays I vape less than a gram, probably less than half a gram, but on the average weekend I'm probably well over a gram a day.
For many years I was very frugal with my cannabis because it was sometimes hard to get and I never wanted to run out but now it's abundant and much cheaper on average so I pretty much just vape whenever I want unless there is some reason not to. Another recent development is my ball vape which I definitely put more flower in than my Air Max and Solos (normally I do half-bowls with a domed screen on those...) and while it doesn't replace the Air Max on the weekends it generally doesn't get used on weekdays.
Sometimes I think about trying some CBD flower as sometimes the primary motivator to vape is the pleasure of vaping rather than the pleasure of the high but so far I haven't looked into this much. One of these days...


Well-Known Member
Which is why I keep a bewildering array of CBD hash on hand, as well as THC bud. I much prefer CBD hash to flower, even when it's of doubtful provenance.

any good sites for CBD hash? I used moonbarguy but not sure fi its that good.

Oh and I use different amounts different days depending on what I am doing. Also 50% of the time I am on the edibles :)
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I am the beetle in a box that only you can see
any good sites for CBD hash? I used moonbarguy but not sure fi its that good.

Oh and I use different amounts different days depending on what I am doing. Also 50% of the time I am on the edibles :)
Yeah, MBG can be a bit hit and miss (their stealth is non existent) but I got some nice bubble a few months back. ICE have some good cheap Nepalese right now [edit: they're out of stock, but the strong squidgy is ok when it's on offer]. The Strain Station Choco is quite decent too.
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Unregulated Tendencies
I’m kind of between categories. My workaday load is <.1g* (a Toad stem or Vapman pan) but I usually go bigger on the weekend. That bumps my average to .15-.25, which is also a kind of distortion.

And how do you quantify concentrates and carts?

Basically, polls are an inexact science. Don’t forget to vote this November!

* I voted my median, not my mean. Basic stats ftw.
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