Wow! Do you even feel very high with that tolerance/.I manage 5g a day easily mainly on my desktop. That's because i've replaced a finger habit from smoking lol
Wow! Do you even feel very high with that tolerance/.
I’m sure the haze is real, with this one.Well everything is hazy for him too.. lol.. Joking aside, THC probably makes him feel normal.
I’m sure the haze is real, with this one.
I’m asking because diminishing returns with Cannabis are pretty noticeable from each session to the next.
That is so true. The first one of the day is as good as it gets for me.
yeah i feel pretty high all the time tbhWow! Do you even feel very high with that tolerance/.
Log vapes are so excellent for efficiency. I have an Underdog and I would love to quantify how much money that vape has saved me.Between half and 1 gram per day. Average about an OZ per month as i use more at weekend or if someone comes round sometimes.
A few years back i was smoking an OZ per week. The e-nano was a masssive help to me when i ghave up tobacco, that thing has saved me soooo much money.
You know, when I hear you say this (echoed by others recently), it makes me think I should be at least partly glad for my allergies, in relation to tolerance I mean.I realize the same reasons I switched to a vaporizer have actually caused my tolerance to rise. It's the discrete operation of these vaporizers, which can be used basically anywhere, which easily raises tolerance. I would never think of smoking in many of the scenarios I have vaped in, just wouldn't be possible. Just had to ride the high out as that stinky, potent smoke keeps use IN CHECK. You really have to want to get stoned when combusting and trying to be discrete about it, with vaping it's mindless droning to keep the rips coming.
Those super small amounts. I can't wrap my mind around that. More power to ya . But I don't care how strong it it is.. I don't micro dose . I don't see the point . I need to feel the effects. That s what helps my neuropathy . A micro and I'm not putting anyone down. But it seems laughable.0.01g or 0.1g?
How does 0.01g last all day? That's only like one decent hit. Do you feel much of anything from your usage?
NiceI smoke a lot and vape flowers a little, usually around 2g a day a few pax ovens and a few joints and .5ish of concentrate a day
Almost nothing mate lmaosometimes I forget to vape at all >>> sometimes it's a helluva lot
what's better than a big fat steama?
Winter is hell on me. Especially this one in Mn this cold,snow is nonstopYou know, when I hear you say this (echoed by others recently), it makes me think I should be at least partly glad for my allergies, in relation to tolerance I mean.
Late start today. Just finishing oil pulling, then comes steam, shower, and of late then usually several hours of treatments and then finally food, or vapor- both actually, in an undetermined ordsr.
But today I think I will skip the electrifier treatment and as soon as washed and dressed I may finish the Colorado Cookies load I began in ths Elev8r early this morning to get me back to bed for a few hours. Worked a treat! Still plenty left too to fuel me into town.
I have made such a committment to these treatments, at the hardest time of year. I've been targeting areas of my lungs I never have before, clearing out deep sections one by one.
Getting amazing relief, just so tough to know where and when to hit. Strategic! New baddies crop up here and there so you have to keep fighting on multiple fronts, clearing up again and again in the centre, whuke going after the remaining little cartels on the right/left/top/bottom etc.
Had some real breakthrough relief last 3 days, but it only takes on littls area to be infected to cause serious issues still. When I can feel an area needs treating at the start of a day, if I neglect it I will suffer with increased symptoms, and the infections go up by the next day. So Im having to just bite the bullet and keep on it, sacrificing eaxh day to treatment- until I have got some stabiltity going on. Sooner or later it will ease up as always during winters like this.
Earned a break today though. Have great day guys and girls.![]()