I got myself a half decent set of scales and worked out my 3.5" 4 piece Space Case holds 10 grams(had to pat it own a little) this amount lasted almost 5 days. So, I actually use just over 2 gams per day. Makes it easy to work out amounts needed for holidays....an ounce a fortnight. I used to smoke just over an ounce a week so vaping has more than halved my MJ consumption.

To be honest, I actually feel I get more medicated with vaping as well as getting a lot less headaches!
Plus, it goes to show just how plentiful 2 grams can actually be for a day. (Honestly didnt intend that pun btw, quite funny though natural puns- that word was automatically plucked by my subconscious).
I dont weigh my consumption. Like my bank balance, not knowing helps me be mentally satisfied with less some days. It can be a psychological thing, where you set an expectation fir a certain amount you think you need each day, and will do from a physical tolerance point of view if it is a sustained daily amount.
I'm sure it helps me to have a little less on days here and there stretched the day out and still be straight up for the evening then get more hammered that night, in a less habitual manner.
SonI dont know the exact amount, but its like if you are at sea and you are'nt sure if you have enough fuel to last, but you should be okay except you dont ibow how much is being used up or how long it will last. So you err on caution side. You still need to use it and travel. But you juggle a balance that way, and for me thinking maybe I had 0.9 gr yesterday better chill today for stash and tolerance sake.....
So I do, I manage to have a day or 2 more moderate use, save some chips and lower tolerance for ongoing heavy stoning.
Its that pulling back the throttle to make sure there isva bit left in the tank, if you get me. Whereas when you can clearly monitor it all the way, the natural tendancy is to max out your credit card just because you can, kind of.
I bet I use more than I like to think. My mum and I work so damn hard for it each summer, its a big sacrifice and commitment. So I cant feel happy to blow through it like its firewood, especially when each crop may be the last for 2 or 3 years if we cant replicate.
If the same was guaranteed every year, or I wasnt allergic to all other weed out there, then I could easily allow myself over a gram per day, and if I held my hits for less, which I would in a free weed world I'm sure 2 grams would end up being about the right amount for me.
But the idea of no harvest due to countless risks and crap usual weather, makes me try and pretend Ive got a half gram daily allowance. Partly for peace of mind. So it isnt that I cant vape a gram daily, but not knowing exactly how much over 0.5 I have gone helps me to be a little more moderate as I describe.
If we can navigate the next week of on off showers and get our cargo landed, I will be massively more relaxed about my consumption. But I will still use these psychological Jedi mind tricks to have lighter days so that I can enjoy the heavy days and keep tipping the seesaw in both directions if that makes sense.