How Many Bags to feel high.

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Hi everyone sorry in advance if iv started this thread in a wrong place. Iv got the volcano and was just wondering how many bags everyone filled before they feel high. Does anyone ever feel high enough after one bag ? and do you leave the weed chamber for long periods in between bags. Thanks Allot.


Well-Known Member
How many bags before I felt high enough? How 'bout half a bag. :)

Wayyyy to many variables to give anyone's answer here to your question any validity whatsoever:

Quality of bud
Your tolerance
Temperature you're vaping at
Fineness of grind
How much bud you fill in the Cano
How moist or dry your bud is


im feeling it after the first bag.

but way too many variables to make it that easy my friend. :p

lwien nailed it but should add volume of the bag to his list :)


Well-Known Member
lwien and weedemon are completely right... and i'd agree with weedemon that i'm definitely feeling it after the first bag


Ate the Kumo Kumo no mi
on my old extreme q at 190 Celsius alternating betwen fan speeds of 2 and 3 vaping .5 (i only used bags in groups of 3 or more that's why the bowls were usually at least .5) of some verryy Loud weed, i'm already a little high. Just not completely gone. I'd imagine that if I had taken that bag by myself that I would be pretty damn high.

But adjust the quality of weed, temperature, grinded or not, speed of fan or pump and how much weed used, etc like everyone above said, there are alot of variable to account for.


Banned for life
assuming quality herbs, I think it's mostly dependent on tolerance. If your tolerance is low enough, that bag should floor you. Tolerance is a massive bitch, and i'm just bitchy cuz i'm starting a T-break lol


Yeah sorry everyone it is a bit vague what I posted. I should say that I use the easy valve system with the easy valve chamber I usually load just enough to cover the screen these days about .2. I suppose its just telling yourself to stop after one bag. Thanks for your responses.


Out to lunch
I use the easy valve system with the easy valve chamber I usually load just enough to cover the screen these days about .2.
Yeah, the answer is way too dependent on variables that don't translate-too subjective. Your .2g is way more than I'd need for a legit high, but someone else could have a very different opinion.


I must be using to much weed still, before I started using .2 I was using half a gram filling the chamber to the brim what a waste. Im not using cannabis for medicinal reasons anymore maybe a bit to sleep but I really want my last bit of home grown to stretch. I fill .2 and that gets me 4 bags which I do all in one sitting which is shooting my tolerance up, I do all the bags in one sitting because I dont want the cannabis to degrade. I guess I should fill even less just enough for one bag.


Out to lunch
I've used bags off and on for years, but many other vapes as well, and I've found that filling bags encourages me to use more herb, on a consistent basis, vs. some other models. You might want to consider a vape like the CRZ, which can deliver vapor rich hits (vs. the more diluted vapor that any bag filler produces), and quite a few of 'em, even with a small bowl. It's not what you'd choose to use when you want to get really high in a hurry, but it's great for dosing. You usually find that you're satisfied after x number of small bowls and you just don't load another for a while. And the more you use it, the fewer the bowls you'll find yourself loading before you decide you're good for a while. A vape like this goes well with a bag filler or other big hitting vape, so you're not always using the model that encourages you to use more than you often really need.


I must be using to much weed still, before I started using .2 I was using half a gram filling the chamber to the brim what a waste. Im not using cannabis for medicinal reasons anymore maybe a bit to sleep but I really want my last bit of home grown to stretch. I fill .2 and that gets me 4 bags which I do all in one sitting which is shooting my tolerance up, I do all the bags in one sitting because I dont want the cannabis to degrade. I guess I should fill even less just enough for one bag.

Remember, too, that it takes a good 15 mins for your vapour to kick in all the way. Because you don't get the woozy headrush of combustion by-products it can be tricky to know how much you've inhaled, and how high you're going to get off it. Many beginner vapourists will vape and vape and vape until they can feel it, and only then realise they've had too much.

So for your first hit of the day, I suggest you try just one bag, and then wait for a quarter of an hour to see where you are at. An alarm or countdown timer can be good for this, otherwise you might forget (as you do). Then if you feel like more, you can have more.


Well-Known Member
0.1g of quality in my Q bowl (screen raised) and I'm good to go.
In just over two years without combustion I now use less in a week than i could get through on a friday night and get far far higher.


Remember, too, that it takes a good 15 mins for your vapour to kick in all the way. Because you don't get the woozy headrush of combustion by-products it can be tricky to know how much you've inhaled, and how high you're going to get off it. Many beginner vapourists will vape and vape and vape until they can feel it, and only then realise they've had too much.

So for your first hit of the day, I suggest you try just one bag, and then wait for a quarter of an hour to see where you are at. An alarm or countdown timer can be good for this, otherwise you might forget (as you do). Then if you feel like more, you can have more.

Yeah that makes sense but doesn't the cannabis degrade if left in the chamber over a period of time ?. I feel happy enough after one bag for a couple of hours but I dont want to waste whats left in the chamber. surely if iv already vaporized and done a bag already their isn't much left to degrade so leaving it in their isn't a problem. Thanks


Yeah that makes sense but doesn't the cannabis degrade if left in the chamber over a period of time ?. I feel happy enough after one bag for a couple of hours but I dont want to waste whats left in the chamber. surely if iv already vaporized and done a bag already their isn't much left to degrade so leaving it in their isn't a problem. Thanks

Don't worry, it's not going to degrade that quickly. Think days, not hours. And there'll be something left even weeks or months later. People cook with very old pre-vaped weed and get results.


Cheers mate I knew doing 3 or 4 bags in a row was an overkill lol, just chilled and did one bag and gave it fifteen twenty mins to kick in. Worked as well as doing all the bags at once its just giving it time to kick in.


Lost in Thought
Why are you all giving such elusive advise to this cat? We all know that according to Mr. Owl the CORRECT answer is 'Three' :rofl:



I like to use all my bud in one sitting. You can pack smaller bowls in the volcano, as long as the whole bottom screen is covered with no air gaps.

Take the bowl off when you are not blowing hot air through it, and let it cool off. It is bad to leave it on because heat will still be conductively heating your herbs, and you don't want that!

Also, the volcano bowl is never meant to be filled more than halfway. I remember reading that either on this forum or in an instruction booklet the volcano came in, I think it was the second one. I always thought the volcano was a weed waster until I experimented with small personal bowls when alone.
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