Optimum? Freshly dried, grinded, placed in 'cookie jar', then left out say 15 minutes before ready.
Consistancy? Depends on the vaporizer. Normally I use my 4pc SC shredder(Medical green).
It doesn't have diamond teeth like most grinders and pulls the materials apart more than say a cutting edge. It was designed with a CAD program and it shreds anything - no problem. Have considered using a MFLB finishing grinder though.
Can do the 'double grind' method with it. Grind it, contents go into the bowl of the 4pc and sits on the screen.
Tip it upside down and grind again. Stuff in bowl drops into the teeth. grind while holding it upside down. Then empty top half. there you have it. Double grinded.
If I want to go finer. double grind, lift top lid, tap lid
only on plate/sheet of paper/coffee filter. place lid back on, grind, repeat. only the lighter particles that are stuck to the inside of the top lid will be separated from what is inside the grinder. Tamp that out. Success.
Oh and I'm skilled with a pair of scissors and the corner of a paper envelope too.
EQ - coarse loose pack for cyclone. finer for elbow.
Pax - Very Fine, dense brick packed
Summit - coarse medium pack