How does one go about vaping pollen?

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Well-Known Member
Ive got a nice amount of pollen ( kief ) and i would like to vaporize it, but in the past Ive lost ALOT of pollen by sticking it in my wand with the SSV. The stuff is so fine it passes through the screen and i see it floating around the water line on my piece. Ive tried adding pollen on top of bud when vaping, but i still see alot that falls through afterward. Whats the best way to vaporize pollen without it falling through the screen?

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Serial vapist
build up same wandhash and then form it into little balls and put them in a container with the kief and then shake it around and try to get it to stick to the wandhash. Depending on how sticky your hash is, you may have to roll it around or push it onto the kief to get it to stick to it, but i try to avoid it so none comes off on my fingers, and cause usually just shaking them together gets it to stick.

Anyways, then put a layer of herb in the bottom of the bowl, just enough to cove the screen, then put 1 or 2 balls on top of it, then use the marble end of your stir stick to smooth it onto the herb. Works great for me. I get grrrrrreat potent hits for a long time. Like 6-8 tasty hashy hits, then i stir it up and get a couple more at the end that taste a bit more like herb/abv, but still good.


Serial vapist
n/p man, have fun in space :lol: that mix will def take ya there. if you need any help with how to harvest the hash from your wand, there's other threads w/ good info. I personally started off scraping it out, but i've since realized that iso alcohol works a lot better.


Well-Known Member
Yea ISO worked great. Another question... i would like to make some more oil and i have a nice amount of kief. Now can u dump the kief in a cup of iso, swirled it around and let it sit for a little afterward dry it out on a plate? How well would that work with straight kief?

EDIT: Also when vaping how do u tell when oil is beat? when its all gone or when its black or something?


mastermind behind the great Vapor Caper
Welcome to FC Moto!

You could do that with the ISO. Just filter it before you put it on a plate to dry, otherwise you will leave the plant particles of the kief in it and defeat the purpose.

Your other question I will leave to someone else. I don't know too much about vaping oil, sorry. I'm gunna learn dammit!


Well-Known Member
thanks for the reply. I don't plan on putting out any money for another vape any time soon im already in love with my SSV lol. How long should i soke the kief in ISO for though?


Low temp deadhead vaporist
:2c:the extraction takes place quickly. 20 -30 seconds. what it comes down to does the iso become super saturated with oil( can't accept any more) using small amt of kief and iso probably not . if you have a lot than there are other options. :peace:


mastermind behind the great Vapor Caper
Yeah, jackstraw62 is right.

I never soak for more then 2 min, too much chlorophyll otherwise.


vapor junkie
Staff member
Kif vapes just fine in almost any vaporizer. Better than pressed hash or other concentrates because the trich heads are loose and exposed for maximum exposure to the hot air/heat.

The SSV isn't hard to use with kif at all. Just fill the bowl with a bed of herb and top with kif. Inhale slowly when you first hit it so the kif doesn't get sucked through the herb and screen. You might want to turn the temp down to compensate for the slower draw.

The heat should cause the resin heads to melt quickly and form a solid sticky mass on the herb. Once this happens they aren't getting through the screen. Vape away.


Well-Known Member
vtac said:
Kif vapes just fine in almost any vaporizer. Better than pressed hash or other concentrates because the trich heads are loose and exposed for maximum exposure to the hot air/heat.

The SSV isn't hard to use with kif at all. Just fill the bowl with a bed of herb and top with kif. Inhale slowly when you first hit it so the kif doesn't get sucked through the herb and screen. You might want to turn the temp down to compensate for the slower draw.

The heat should cause the resin heads to melt quickly and form a solid sticky mass on the herb. Once this happens they aren't getting through the screen. Vape away.
Just reading that i can taste the deliciousness of that discription lol, ty i will do that.


Well-Known Member
I got another question here. Ive been looking at how other ppl make ISO hash online and alot of ppl are letting the ISO evaporate over a few days. Now when i tried i only let it go for a few hours and it seemed to be fully evaporated. Couldn't smell any of the ISO, only the goods. This worries me though am i killing myself by not letting it evaporate longer? lol..
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