How do you know if your VAPED herbs didn't go bad?

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Well-Known Member
Hey guys, like all vapor enthusiast, we like to collect the vaped herb, and later use it for other uses. But how do you know when your V.H. has gone bad? Sometimes it smells, even after putting it in a glass jar. Any answers? Thanks.


New Member
I didn't think they could go bad, but I could be wrong. You would probably have to test the amount of w/e is left in your abv at the start, and do it each time you vape, each amount would probably be vaped different. I feel with larger amounts I can vape them longer than smaller amounts, so I don't know if I got everything out of each amount or not. I personally have used ABV a few months after vaping, and made firecrackers and they worked. I don't know the potency, but I think they can last for awhile.
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