Honey Oil ISO extract


I just cleaned my stems and screens with some ISO, and I've done this a few times in the past. But I've never found a great way to clean up the remains after the ISO evaped.
This time I put my ceramic plate on an electric burner on the stove, warmed it up on 'warm' [lowest heat setting].
Just as it began to smell up the room, I turned off the burner, and began to scrape up the goo/oil. This made the process super easy to get a much larger amount of the remains w/o scrapping n scrapping.
And the resulting product is now much more of an oil.
I dunno if this will have also evaped or purged more of the ISO from the material? I'm still pretty noob to this, but just trying some new methods and ideas to make it easier.

In the past these have been quite potent and I have just put them on the top or sandwiched in a fresh bowl.
However, I was wondering if I could simply eat this stuff? Is the remaining alcohol a concern? Anymore so than vaping it? I wonder this as I know the vaporized version was never all that tastey..specially after its been hit once, not to mention the resulting mess it makes in the bowl and screen.

Another option I'm considering/waiting on trying, is trying it inside of a vape pen; still waiting on an mCig..but thought this may be an interesting new way to try this type of extract?




Was this a frozen ISO wash? If not, you could winterize the oil and clean it up with some ethanol after the fact. If you didn't do a frozen run I would suggest doing so in the future or at the very least winterizing the ISO solution after the wash. Winterizing won't get rid of all the chlorophyll that you will pick up if you don't do frozen runs though.

The oil will not do you any good to eat unless you decarb it(~30 mins at 250 degrees F).
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This is just from cleaning the vapor remains from my vaporizer stems/tubes. Its essentially, already been vaped oils. Which is why I figured its already been decarbed, and thus, edible. Its a very small amount, I'm not sure its worth doing much more with, as I think I'd lose more product in handling alone.

I'll research winterizing. Thank you for the reply.


Ah, I misread your post. I was thinking plant stems.

Since it's reclaimed oil it's already been decarbed and is already ready for edibles.

Winterizing may clean it up a little but is not needed.
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Desert Dwelling Dog
I love doing this. I clean my dab rigs either in 151 and drink it or ISO and evaporate it. I like to evaporate it by lining a bowl with parchment paper and doing in in the oven at low heat. To answer your question about eating it -- YES! That shit is extremely orally active and is for all intents and purposes Rick Simpson oil. One of the main reasons I like concentrates better than flowers is that the "resin" is good, clean, decarboxylated medicine instead of shit that smells and tastes like burnt rubber.
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