If I could go back and do it all over again, I would buy these 2 things and be done with it -
3x5 Caged Plates Kit (with dual PID controller) - $479 (cheaper if you source your own controller/heaters)
12-ton table top shop press - $159
$638 - Still spendy but you got quality caged plates and have some flexibility with different tonnage presses and using your own enail controller(s).
This is what
@shredder and many others including my self have done except shredder and I got the 20 ton press instead of the 12 ton. If you want the best bang for your buck, under $750 or even under $1000. I do small presses of 3-6 grams frequently whereas shredder does large 14 gram or more presses so our methods are slightly different however both of us seem to think we would be happier with larger 4x7 plates. I believe shredder would like to squish more at once. For me, I don't need 4x7 plates to squish more but I do notice sometimes my rosin chip will spread out past the 5in sides of my plates because I don't use filters/bags. I used to use stitchless bags, but I find when pressing smaller amounts like I do you end up losing a good bit to the filters/bags. I also find that prepessing into a slim puck for a few minutes keeps most plant material out of my rosin.
Now with all that said, if I could go back and do it all over again, I would get the same setup with 4x7 l caged plates from low-temp. However, if I was
@biohacker I would consider two options.
1st option for under $1k- Buy a 12 ton or 20 ton press from Canadian Tire or the one
@weedemon got and add a set of caged plates and heater from timewizardgreyfox.
2nd option for over $1k- Get it all custom built to your preferences/specs from timewizardgreyfox.
Either way, knowing how you like high quality vapes like the Supreme and Flowerpot that are built to do what they do the best and forever plus the fact you want to order from Canada, I cannot see how you could order a press without getting plates from him.
Oh shit- I just recalled another good canadian rosin press maker. Timewizardgreyfox can only be found on facebook
But I just remembered
@E-Wax Canada was pretty active here about a year ago and he does commercial setups if I recall correctly but enjoys helping out others to setup their own home press.