Hi, thx for this nice thread!
up to now I'm working with dry sift and bubble bags. Love full melt. But its just a part of total hash yield. Want to process the lower ones to rosin.
Got a Tarik as a gift but experiences with this piece of plastic shit were very disappointed.
Now I intend to build - or better let build - a larger DIY-rosinpress for high pressure low temp pressing. Dont want to squish weed, maybe just a few flowers for fun and personal head stache, I would prefer to squish larger amounts of no melt hash. Seems to me much less effort. Making sense? First I want to work up sugar leave trim and pocpcorn nugs to bubble or dry sift then making rosin out of them.
If it should work well I would like to process larger amounts of maroccan hash too
Want to work with a 20t or 30t hydraulic press. Plates as large as reasonable.
Plates made of combination of a thicker aluminium plate for better heat conductivity and a thinner SS plate as pressure surface for better resistance.
What would be the best size of plates regarding to the called pressure power?
Whats best for heating? Coil heaters or heater cartridges? Last option seems to me more sympathically.
One or two heating elements per plate?
If there are two heaters per plate do I need a controller for each heating element or can I use one controller per plate for two parallel in one plate working heaters?
How much watt per heater/plate?
Another question about pressing filter bags. Whats your experience? Whats better, ss mesh, nylon, silk or cotton? So far as I know for processing hashg I have to use 25µ for flowers 90µ?
I'm very sorry for so much questions. For sure they are already answered anywhere on FC I guess. But the main thread about rosin tech is sooo long and perhaps anybody of you guys knows the answers at once and would tell me them please?
Filter bags for flower IME are very, very difficult. You should consider pressing without screens when squishing flowers and if you find that there is contaminant in your final product, place your rosin slab in a screen and clean it up that way
For hash, 25u screen bags work well.
Now as to squishing hash - if you are buying retail hash cheaply, this is a good idea! Very cost efficient dabs can be had in some places! You want your hash to be as melty as possible. Truly no-melt hash is going to give you returns similar to flower, not what we usually hear about people pressing from hash.
Further to this, squishing dry sift is very difficult without efforts to re-hydrate it. It is too dry to squish a lot of the time IME. Bubble hash of any kind lends itself more easily to squishing IME, it is very, very easy to squish.
With all of this being said, I would not squish a 4 star or better bubble hash into rosin. 4 star is very melty hash, and you may or may not find any of it being retailed in your neighborhood anyway. There is a part of the flavor that is lost in rosin made from melty bubble. This happens to be the best part of the flavor IME. Just vape any 4 star as is if you find it
You could easily make large plates, 6"-8" or larger diameter round plates would have no problem with the pressure you've got there. You might even be able to justify larger than this!
If you are mostly squishing hash though man, let me point out that you are gonna have way more pressure than you need here and blow-outs will be a major risk. Hash requires much less pressure than flower to squish - like 1/3 of the pressure that it takes with flower can do the job for bubble squishing IME. More can risk damaging screens. Nylon screens are very, very easy to blow-out until you learn the upper limits of pressure. Muslin (unbleached cotton) sheet presses better and has less blow-outs at higher pressure, but loses a little more material in the cotton. I have not used SS screens yet, but I'd imagine they'd be great for lower temp pressing at the expense of too much heat at higher temps (SS retains heat) and possible damage to the parchment at higher pressures. This may mean that SS is great for hash pressing, which requires lower pressure than flower.
The Tarik presses are complete garbage btw, they can't get enough pressure to be useful for much as you learned.
However, if you are never squishing much/any flower, then you really should consider that you will only require 1 ton of pressure or so to get the results you need and even then you will have enough pressure to blow-out and break your screens. Larger hydraulic/pneumatic presses are very likely to be overkill for your intended purpose. To determine this, how much hash are you looking to press at a time? Please include a picture of an example of the quality if possible. Does it bubble at all when heated or is it truly completely no-melt?
Also I have to correct you brother, all of my bubble washes in all of my bags except for the contaminant bag are full melt almost every time - the rare exceptions where I don't get all-full-melt returns, I might get a very small amount of 4 star (maybe 1/20th of the total return)
If you are getting low/no yields for full melt when you make bubble, there is a problem with your technique or your starting material is lacking quality.
Now some people get offended and argumentative when I tell them that their flower isn't worth making full melt out of. However, I know that you can make any kind of extract from immature flowers (QWET/rosin/QWISO/BHO/less grade hashes). Being the exception, full melt is best made from the most high quality flowers with the most mature resin - otherwise you get a lot of lesser melting hash.
This is because immature flowers have much less resin in each trichome gland, which has not had a chance to develop. As a result, a higher % of the resin glands is made up of inactive material (membrane, secretory cells, terp precursors etc).
A requirement of reliable full-melt production is developing the ability to understand which flowers/trim will make full melt in abundance, and which will not. This took me a long time myself, coming from solvent extracts and rosin before that and being able to get oil out of most material, regardless of the quality.
If you are making the hash (not buying it), I suggest working on your technique or finding better starting material with which to make full melt, or doing flower rosin - since you'll get a hell of a lot more dabbable medicine back from the same starting material and if your hash really is low-melt, minimal difference in quality. If you are buying, then back to my above question and let's find out how much you want to press at once before deciding on an appropriate sized press