@chris 71
Exactly! I would not wish this on anyone!
Coffee and most teas are also on the No list...
Herbal tea is fine so long as it is not from the mint family.
I have switched to drinking ginger teas as they definitely help soothe the stomach. Use Agave nectar as a sweetener!!
It is awesome for this and also a great one for diabetics to use as your conditions will slowly improve!!
But you need to reduce your stress as much as possible!!
I would say my stress at work went down about 50% when I switched companies. A great start but the monster is still there lurking in the background...
This is what I did for the first few weeks:
Breakfast- Almond milk smoothy with a banana, frozen peaches and mangoes and protein powder.
Lunch- steel cut oats, no sugar at all just plain. Tastes awful but fills you up and keeps your stomach calm.
Dinner- mostly veggies, rice and plain chicken.
When the pain was too much I just ate oats, sometimes for 3 meals a day...
Here is a good list: