Hi or e-nano

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u bwade wunner

Well-Known Member
thanks for the help everyone. i know there is a wait for the HI but i am leaning towards it. Would it be more efficient than the E-nano and is a variable voltage power supply cheap and easy to buy?
the Hi runs at 7 watts give or take and is designed to be left on 24/7.its cents a day to run and is always ready.
It is I think,one of the most efficient vaporizers in the world.
Not sure about Enano though.

Im not advising this but You could take the 12V HI to the pool party or the bath and not worry about it but i love mine too much.i just sneak out poolside and grab it off the chicks :lol:

Dont forget with the HI you can carry out all maintenance yourself.and Alan carries parts. He has designed the Hi so You can maintain, changeout, the heat element etc. with the included in pack element removal tool yourself.Saves on unnecessary shipping and downtime and ongoing service charges later on..

Replacemnet HI power cords and power supplies can be found online for single figure$.Both Cords and power supplies are used extensively in home security systems and the tattooing industry and will remain reasonable and available .They are also available locally at any electronics store if you cant wait.

So the HI is a little like a jedi tool designed to be repaired easily on the Go.
i think it has earned its name the HiSaber
well that and the lifetime warranty.

Use it often and use it wisely

+1 for the Master JedHI 'Alan Wan Kenobi's' master work and code of ethics
Summed my entry nicely thank You

although both units look similar, after study, the HI and Enano are very different animals


Scratchin' Glass!
Accessory Maker
Apologies if I was out of line, really did not mean to disrespect anyone's work or vape preferences.
Peace and happy weekend.

edit: More I think about it, I'm regretting my inappropriate post.
In my haste to offer my limited experience, I overlooked two fine craftsman and their good business practices. If I could retract at this point I would.
I will add I have heard nothing but, and many good things about Alan.
Again, apologies to all but primarily to Alan and Ace of Vape. To make amends I plan to look deeper into both of these great vapes for my next purchase.

Must remember...think, then put foot in mouth!

Don't regret your post brother. The UD, although has had it's issues, but it packs a fucking punch and Dave has always done right by me! I've had a PD, played with numerous CRZ's and I am still on Alan's list. I really have liked what I was reading about the Nano. My newest concern is the electrical issue - I have fucking Parkinson's Disease on top of being a stoner as well as being what my wife calls - a fucking clutz. I personally don't want to be that "oh shit, didn't think that would happen guy"!

The last time I got shocked I shit myself....

I mean no disrespect by my post but any concern about electricity scares me. I don't understand most of it but, heck, that's why I'm here - to research before I buy...
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